Monday | 13 January 2025 | Reg No- 06
Monday | 13 January 2025
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Poet’s Corner
Towhid Islam Khan
On love O! It's Valentine again!I have nothing to feel, but pain.What a reflection of such a beauty! And such spirituality!Vain! Alas, considering those bodings.There perpetuity never existed.Valentine it is!There is no summary of these solemn rhymes and hymns.  The poet is an alumnus of East West University
Towhid Islam Khan
ReformationCan you give me one drop of water in the name of peace!    Or can you convert the entire drop into a state free from everything!I would like to swallow such a holy drop of water to your name.Then, I would be your slave for four hundred years,And wash away all the dirt. For your ...
Poet’s Corner
Towhid Islam Khan
ConfusionI saw respect in her eyes, And saw a bit of confusion.I know not what for! I know not what for!!It busted my brain.I kept thinking and thinking --Once, twice, and then once again!I was longing for sleep.After that, something happened. I saw the entire thing in my dream --The same eyes, the same respect, ...
Poet’s Corner
Towhid Islam Khan
Battle of unseenI am not living my life.I don't know how to live a life.I am getting slow.My mind doesn't give me rest, ever…It always finds something to be sad or to feel bad.I never win the battle against brain;such a bloody brain keeps telling me and giving me signals that I am about to fall, to ...
Towhid Islam Khan
Dream of the pastI wrote a poem for you in absence,and wrote a song in silence.I found someone in the dream,who was reciting…I found a lady in the mist,who was singing…I woke alone in the dark,and found that both had gone.I, now, follow the dream of the pastwhich brings something that never disappears-a face with remarkable eyes,stays in ...
Poet’s Corner
Towhid Islam Khan
100 miles from prisonI missed the train.It left only nine minutes before I reached. After another nine minutes and three days, I jumped from the plane.I was falling, stabbing clouds.Cold breeze helped me float for a long period of time; I couldn't go against, so was floating. When I got a chance to land, I took it cautiously. ...
Towhid Islam Khan
Walking Into the RainIt's beautiful the rain iswhen you know not where the pain is,and you know where the shade is.You have no fear to sleep on the street;you are not worried to work in the field;no fear to lose the crops you have cared,you have nursed.It's very beautiful the rain iswhen you know not what ...
Poet’s Corner
Towhid Islam Khan
Diseased You are like an addiction.I cannot tear you apart, neithercan I hold you down to make scars, nor can I let you go.You are like cancer. One barely knows your presence at the first appearance;one barely can guess what harmyou can cause by little eye dances.You are like diabetes. I could never wake up at ...
Towhid Islam Khan
Lucid DreamShe is sleeping-her head over a dead pillow.In the dream,She is dancing, twitting, Smiling, and being shy, all by herself.She thinks someone's following her everywhere. Even in the dream,She laughs by the thought ofa fool�whose eyes follow her desperately.Her beauty melts everything;Harshly melts everyone Like a candle melting in a soft wind,And outshines the charm ...
Towhid Islam Khan
The Utmost FearThe day was exhausting; the sun shone the way as if it had a secret grudge against human beings. They had an important conference on 'Literature in Today's Social Context'; each one of them had to present a significant portion of an entire paper. Their serial came almost at the end of the session which ...
Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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