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BDCSO Confce Ends

UN urged to reinforce local NGOs with equal partnership

Published : Sunday, 11 October, 2020 at 12:00 AM  Count : 464
Bangladesh Civil Society Organizations Process (BDCSO Process), a forum of around 700 local non-government organizations (NGO) and Civil Society Organizations (CSO), on Saturday urged the United Nations (UN) not to replace but to reinforce local NGOs with equal partnership and transparency.
BDCSO Process concluded their 3rd day session of conference titled 'UN in 75: Interfacing Government and Civil Society for Development and Sustainable Peace' by reaffirming to support UN for multilateralism at the international level and should give more focus on promoting human rights and sustainable peace.
But at the national level, they urged the UN not to replace rather reinforce local CSO/NGOs with equal partnership and transparency so that it is the local NGO/CSO that will lead the humanitarian response and development. Especially, including in the Rohingya response, UN should limit their role only to monitoring and technical assistance.
The concluding session was chaired by Shaheen Anam, Executive Director, Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF), Chief Guest was Nazrul Islam, Director General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Rezaul Karim Chowdhury, National Coordinator of BDCSO moderated the session. A lot of grass-roots leaders also spoke in the session.
Shaheen Anam said, "At the international level we will fight for the UN to uphold multilateralism, but at the national level, the UN should not consider that we are in another part, local NGOs have to be treated with equality."
She expressed full solidarity and respect to the human dignity of Rohingyas, but local NGO leadership should not be undermined.
Nazrul Islam said, "UN CSO and Multilateralism should have synergy. The government recognizes the leadership role of local NGOs at grassroots."

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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