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Preventing cyber crime

Published : Thursday, 15 September, 2022 at 12:00 AM  Count : 725
Bangladesh is one of the most promising countries in the world. Internet misuse and cyber crime can disturb our beloved motherland in conspiracy of imperialist world. It can also threaten our existence. Where many developed countries are victims of cyber crime, our situation is even worse. So it is important to take action in this regard now. The internet and various platforms are a huge source of pornographic images and antics.

The youth of any country can chat by clicking. And many potential young people of this country are going astray by taking this opportunity. They are constantly wasting huge amounts of time browsing blue-sites in cyber cafes or smart phones in the absence of their parents and are becoming mentally unethical. They are suffering mentally and physically. In this, the interest of young people to study, respect for people, sense of honor, conscience etc. are disappearing. Due to this, murder, rape, There are no clear laws or guidelines regarding the use of mobile phones in the country.

Handset with multimedia facilities is in the hands of the youth. Through this, obscene video image storage and Bluetooth technology is spreading rapidly to other mobile phones. In this case, the victims of cybercrime are 16 to 25 years old school, college and university going girls.

Underage children and teenagers are entering Facebook with false identity of puberty before the prescribed age. At this age of learning, our new generation is getting physically and mentally tired by being addicted to Facebook all the time. Hunger, mental impairment, depression and physical disability are developing among them. As a result, attention of these young children is decreasing, reading habits are decreasing, as well as the sense of social decency. Irritable temper, violence, eye diseases, nervous problems are appearing in them. This generation of Facebook users is suffering from complex diseases like mental imbalance. All in all, the leadership is powerless, irresponsible and out of reality creating a new generation addicted to an imaginary dream life (virtual life).

Basically what this addiction leads to is over-sharing about yourself, going on Facebook for no reason at all, over-reacting to profile pictures, reading and spending hours on news feeds, ditching real life for online, going crazy over friending someone. Acting, getting excited when seeing phone notifications or any notification signs, giving away your location by checking in immediately when you go somewhere, often tagging people, secretly using Facebook for hours while working, when someone comments on a Facebook post. Feeling frustrated when it doesn't, tending to add strangers to the list to increase the number of friends, waking up in the middle of the night to check Facebook and in many cases, thinking that life without Facebook is stagnant.

Apart from this, there are various physical problems - back pain, headache, spondylitis or spine problems, loss of weight balance, some gain weight and some lose weight, insomnia or sleep disturbance and eye problems. The house may collapse. Apart from this, there are various physical problems - back pain, headache, spondylitis or spine problems, loss of weight balance, some gain weight and some lose weight, insomnia or sleep disturbance and eye problems.

Despite knowing this, its use has not decreased but has increased and such cases of cyber crime are constantly happening in the country. Criminals are ensnaring innocent people of various professions including school and college students, men and women. Again, they are taking hostages and extorting huge amounts of money from the victims. Even human dignity is not safe because of them. Young women are the most victims in these cases.

A survey by the Bangladesh Human Rights Foundation found that 25 out of 30 ninth grade students watched pornography while sitting in the classroom. On the other hand, 86 out of 100 eighth graders use mobile phones, of which 76 watch pornography. As a result, the level of their addiction is increasing and the number of inattentive students is also noticeable.

About 62 percent of the youth (16-25 years) of developed countries are involved in major crimes including sexual harassment and rape due to Internet, YouTube, Viber, pornography addiction. According to experts, if the use of other technologies, including pornography, which is spreading like an epidemic, cannot be controlled, the youth of Bangladesh will also be engulfed in decadence and chaos.

According to crime analysts, children from poor families become involved in crime because of hunger. But children of middle class families are involved in various crimes due to lack of companionship, greed and proper care of guardians and children of upper class due to absence of overall care and proper supervision and influence of Akash culture.

Terrorist godfathers are committing various criminal acts mainly by teenagers through the use of social media and these criminals are recklessly participating in various crimes starting from murder, kidnapping, robbery, extortion. They are controlled by the dreaded terrorists of the underworld.

Following measures should be taken to prevent cybercrime, as cybercrime is an international problem. Steps should be taken to form a separate commission under the supervision of the United Nations to prevent this problem. Up-to-date laws and strong policies are needed to combat cyber crime. It is necessary to increase the cyber or virtual police on a larger scale and take measures for strict monitoring across the country. Cracking down on hacking by criminalizing it; banning porn sites altogether. The IP address of the respective websites should be closed.  

In the age of information technology, using the internet is essential. Parents should accustom their children to religious and moral education and sound entertainment from childhood. Apart from this, 'Cyber Crime Control Committee' is being formed in every district to make people aware about cyber crime. On the other hand, each police station should enhance the capacity of police headquarters to seriously investigate all complaints related to cyber crime.
The writer is former
Head of PRD at BUFT

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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