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New COVID variant: Ports asked to increase screening

DGHS urges all to take precautions

Published : Sunday, 25 December, 2022 at 12:12 PM  Count : 720

The Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) has directed all ports, land and air across the country to increase screening as the new variant of the Coronavirus is more transmissible than the previous ones.

Besides, it also directed to arrange antigen tests at the ports for the incoming people. The suspected person will have to be isolated as he/she will affect others so quickly.

Already, the new variant has caused a rise of cases in neighbouring India.
According to the DGHS's additional director general Prof Ahemodul Kabir, the new sub-variant BF7 is four times higher transmissible and the incubation period is very short to infect many people at a time. The persons will be affected within a shorter period.

The health officials urged people to take booster doses soon and wear facemasks in crowded areas.

National Technical Advisory Committee (NTAC) on COVID-19 held a meeting on Saturday night and urged the government to take precautionary measures.


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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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