Blue-economy refers to marine resource-based economy whose basic principle is to make a significant contribution to the country's economic sector by ensuring the highest but cost-effective use of the sea water and the organic and inorganic resources of a country. Sunil economy has been contributing to the world economy for a long time. From 200 to 300 years ago, several countries, including China, Japan, and the Philippines, have focused on ocean-centric economies. Marine fish, plants and animals provide 15 percent of the protein for people around the world. 30 percent of the world's gas and fuel oil are supplied from the seabed gas and oil fields of different countries.
Prospects for Bangladesh's blue economy are very high. Between 2012 and 2014, after the settlement of the maritime boundary dispute between Bangladesh and Myanmar and India, it went in favor of Bangladesh. As a result, the sea area of Bangladesh increased by 30 percent. As a result, the country gets 1 lakh 18 thousand 813 square kilometers of new sea area. Which increases its sea potential to a great extent. As a result, Bangladesh's tourism, marine fisheries, natural resource exploration, trade and energy potential increase.
Bangladesh needs to focus on some other things to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Bangladesh needs to take some steps in the field of marine fisheries. For example, commercial fishing in 80 meters deep water (such as tuna, laksya), selection of new fishing areas, correct pricing and post-fishing economic losses, conservation of fish resources and the size of the stock should be known. In this case, one thing to keep in mind is that the fish species found in the sea must be introduced to people and new species of fish farming methods (such as cage method, aqua culture, aqua civculture, integrated multitrophic aquaculture) can be adopted.
In order to exploit the vast potential of the Bay of Bengal, there is no alternative to focus on climate change, environmental pollution prevention, biodiversity protection. Monitoring systems should be developed focusing on the areas that are in critical condition from the environmental point of view. Protecting the environment of the Bay of Bengal's coastal region requires private monitoring as well as international cooperation.
Apart from fishing trawlers, seafaring tourism, freight transport, there is not much investment. This sector should be made attractive to investors especially foreign investors. In countries like Indonesia, Australia, the majority of national income comes from sustainable use of marine resources. In order to implement Vision-2041, importance should be given to the sea. It is important to earn foreign exchange by making proper use of the valuable resources that are under the sea.
According to experts, there is expected to be oil and gas in the sea area of Bangladesh. If new gas fields are discovered here, it will become another big blue economy force for the country. Apart from oil gas, the Bangladesh part of the Bay of Bengal has the potential to get sulphur, metallic modules, cobalt. The presence of a large amount of gas hydrate or methane gas has been confirmed by exploration in the sea area of Bangladesh. Expert studies have estimated 0.11 to 0.63 trillion cubic feet of potential natural gas hydrates in Bangladesh's offshore EEZ. That equates to 17 to 104 trillion cubic feet of natural gas resources. Bangladesh is a country suffering from energy crisis. Natural gas reserves are running out. If gas is found at the edge of the sea, it will be possible to accelerate the progress of the country. It is also widely expected that the economy of Bangladesh will prosper due to the welfare of Blue Economy.
Bangladesh should increase its own capacity for these products of Blue Economy. Research in these sectors requires huge investments. Ensuring safety at sea, conservation of environment, conservation of living and inanimate resources, prevention of pollution, suppression of piracy, prevention of drug and arms smuggling and human trafficking will pave the way for a sustainable maritime economy. Our Navy and responsible organizations have improved themselves by adopting modern methods. As a result, ensuring safety at sea will not be a difficult task.
We need extensive research and experienced and expert manpower. Adequate policy support and domestic and foreign investment are also required. Currently, the government has several institutes on marine science and marine biology. As a result, it will be easy for Bangladesh to exploit the opportunity. There is a golden opportunity in front of Bangladesh. Bangladesh can use ocean economy as a tool for sustainable development of the country. Ocean economy will advance the country to rise to the status of a developing country.
The writer is a campus journalist and student of History Department, University of Chittagong