Wednesday | 18 September 2024 | Reg No- 06
Wednesday | 18 September 2024
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Decomposed body of Juba League leader found in Chandpur

Published : Sunday, 8 September, 2024 at 12:00 AM  Count : 166
CHANDPUR, Sept 7: Police have recovered the decomposed body of a Juba League leader, found tied with scotch tape, from his home in Chandpur's Kochua.

The body was found on Friday afternoon at a house in Changpur village of Bitara Union, according to Kochua Police Station chief Md Mizanur Rahman.

The dead, Ahsan Ullah, 35, was a member of the Jubo League's Bitara Union committee.

His cousin Masud Bhuiyan said Ahsan had three brothers and one sister, all living in different places.

After divorcing his wife two years ago, Ahsan had been living alone at his home.

On Friday, locals passing by his house noticed a foul smell. When they pushed open the door, they found a body lying on the floor with its head and mouth covered and the body wrapped in scotch tape.

Police arrived and identified the body as Ahsan's.

OC Rahman said the body was sent to Chandpur Sadar General Hospital morgue for a post-mortem examination after preparing the inquest report.

The exact cause of death will be known once the post-mortem report is received, he said.    —

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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