Tuesday | 17 September 2024 | Reg No- 06
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Stamford University unveils literary magazine, Parnassus

Published : Tuesday, 10 September, 2024 at 12:00 AM  Count : 691
On September 7, 2024, Stamford University Bangladesh experienced a momentous celebration of literary and intellectual spirit with the unveiling of "Parnassus," the new literary magazine launched by the university's literary and cultural club, Straybird. This event, held in the Department of English, marked more than just the introduction of a publication-it was a profound testament to the university's commitment to fostering creativity and scholarly discourse.

The evening began with a solemn tribute to the recent student-led movement that played a crucial role in overthrowing an autocratic regime and advancing student-citizen rights. A moment of silence was observed in honor of the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for this cause, setting a reflective and meaningful tone for the event. The acknowledgment of these significant sacrifices highlighted the deep connection between the pursuit of academic excellence and the broader quest for justice and freedom.

Zobaida Nasreen, the editor of "Parnassus," then took the stage to deliver a heartfelt welcome address. Her words conveyed not only a warm reception to the guests but also the essence of what the magazine represents. Editor's introduction was a promise of the magazine's dedication to showcasing the vibrant voices of Stamford University's students and faculty, emphasizing its role as a platform for literary and intellectual exploration.

The event was further distinguished by the presence of eminent guests. Dr. Bhashwar Bandyopadhyay, a renowned Ekushey Padak winner, delivered an inspiring speech on the importance of literary activities within academic institutions. His presence underscored the event's significance and lent it a sense of gravitas. Additionally, Professor Dr. Sayma Arju, chairperson of the English Department, along with senior faculty members Sheikh Nahid Neazy, Mohammad Azizul Haque, Zakia Noor Matin, Aleeya Tamzida, and Minhajul Abedin, were in attendance, showcasing their support and recognition for the magazine's launch.

The choice of the name "Parnassus" for the magazine was particularly symbolic. In Greek mythology, Mount Parnassus is celebrated as a sacred site of artistic and poetic inspiration. By naming the magazine after this revered mount, Straybird pays homage to its aspiration to create a space where creativity and critical thought can thrive. The name reflects the club's mission to foster a haven for literary and intellectual exploration, drawing on the rich tradition of artistic excellence associated with the mythological mount.

Aleeya Tamzida, convenor of Straybird, provided an overview of the club's vision and the collaborative efforts that brought "Parnassus" to life. Her speech celebrated not only the magazine's launch but also the spirit of teamwork and intellectual curiosity that drove its creation. Her words highlighted the collective dedication of the club members and contributors, emphasizing the magazine as a product of shared effort and passion.

The climax of the evening was the unveiling of "Parnassus" by Zobaida Nasreen. The moment was met with applause and excitement, symbolizing more than just the arrival of a new publication. It represented the culmination of the creative efforts of students and faculty, showcasing their commitment to literary excellence. The magazine promises to be a rich tapestry of diverse voices, exploring new horizons of thought and creativity.

Dr. Bandyopadhyay's closing remarks reinforced the importance of such literary initiatives. He emphasized that "Parnassus" is more than a magazine; it is a vital part of the university's cultural fabric, promoting dialogue, reflection, and intellectual growth. His words served as a reminder of the transformative power of literature and the arts in enriching our understanding of the world.

The unveiling of "Parnassus" was a celebration of literature's enduring power to inspire, challenge, and connect. Straybird's initiative is a commendable effort to provide a platform for creative expression and scholarly debate. As "Parnassus" makes its way into the hands of readers, it is poised to become a beacon of literary and intellectual achievement, reflecting the collective voices and aspirations of Stamford University's vibrant academic community.

With its rich blend of creativity, dedication, and scholarly insight, "Parnassus" is set to leave a lasting impact on the university's literary scene and beyond. It stands as a testament to the boundless potential of student-driven initiatives and the transformative power of the written word.

The writer is Editorial Assistant at The Daily Observer and Graduate Student of Stamford University Bangladesh

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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