Tuesday | 17 September 2024 | Reg No- 06
Tuesday | 17 September 2024
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Police registering cases without checking facts, despite Home Ministry's order

Published : Tuesday, 10 September, 2024 at 12:00 AM  Count : 444
Despite clear directive from the Ministry of Home Affairs not to register cases without checking the facts, police stations across the country including in the capital are registering cases without checking the facts.

Some cases are being lodged over the incidents of recent students uprising while a section of the people are filing cases against their rivals especially against their rivals in business sector out of rivalry.

Such a case was filed against some 100 Bangladeshi international recruiting agencies including the Bangladesh Overseas Employment Services Limited (BOESL), a state-owned recruiting agency, on August 28 with Paltan Police Station bringing charge of money laundering in the name of manpower sending to  Malaysia. 

Only a day after the government's instruction, the case was filed by their rival recruiting agency Afia Overseas's proprietor Altab Khan, who also sends migrants to Malaysia. 

As a result, resentment has been prevailing among the country's international recruiting agencies.

According to the owners of international recruiting agencies, being an agency owner, Altab Khan filed the case against his rival agencies intentionally taking the advantage of the political polarisation to harass the reputed agency. It may interrupt the migration process of the Bangladeshi overseas job seekers. Due to the case, the worker receiving countries will lose their interest to hire migrants from Bangladesh in future.

Some recruiting agency owners, who also led the Bangladesh Association of International Recruiting Agencies (BAIRA) earlier, told this correspondent that the government instructed the police not to register any case against anyone on irrelevant issues. There is no relation of politics with the case. Such cases will create unrest in the migration sector of the country.

According to government notice, some vested interested people have pressurised the law enforcement agencies including the police to record cases on trifling issues to create unrest. In such cases, random arrests cannot be done only after registering cases. Steps must be taken only after scrutinising the information of cases in detailed.

Only a day later, manpower businessman Altab Khan filed the case with Paltan Police Station. Police recorded the case without any scrutiny or investigation. Altab Khan was not an aggrieved person to file a case, when the aggrieved persons have not filed a case as they have got their money back from the agencies, a recruiting agency owner stated.

According to the recruiting agency owners, the sector may face impact of such cases in the country's remittance sector soon as most of the agencies would lose their interest to send migrants to different destinations including Malaysia. As a result, the country's economy will suffer during the volatile economic situation.

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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