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Significance of research works for university students 

Published : Wednesday, 11 September, 2024 at 12:00 AM  Count : 576
Research has been one of the key parameters of higher studies, which set forth the discovery of knowledge irrespective of any existing field of learning. Getting involved in research as a student at the university level is so difficult to maneuver but not impossible to dip toes into it. For the sake of being a researcher, having a desire to learn constantly is imperative to delve into it. Despite the pathway's challenges, it brings gratifying experiences.

Research, being an advancement of knowledge, drives innovation and the creation by following a few types. Basic research heads towards adding new information with the existing ones. On the other hand, applied research seeks solutions to the manipulating occurances. Although basic research has a myriad of ranges or fields to get involved in, applied research goes into limitations. Research helps to solve real-world problems and advance science, technology, economics, and other disciplines. It provides a field to think independently and explore news perspectives. It is essential for intellectual development, societal progress, and contributing to the broader body of global knowledge. With self-shining, bringing welfare to societies is one of the ultimate goals of doing research. 

University students should concentrate on research because it emphasizes curiosity and discovery and reflects transformative power in shaping scientific breakthroughs. It can fetch change in the global circumstances. Albert Einstein once called: '' If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?''. The famous saying highlights curiosity to dive into the discovery of existing ones. Research, to some extent, brings knowledge expansion to a given topic and expands the boundaries of what we know. It not only helps students to bring success academically but also leads to better quality of work in any course. Mostly saying, it navigates critical thinking that encourages to question assumptions, analyze data, and form evidence-based conclusions. With various good signs to be a researcher, discovering new knowledge or reaching a solution is a fantastic trajectory to bring hope for the grassroots learner of this discovering branch.
For undergrad students, research work is widely the most challenging task that students have to face, but with obstacles, it can bring the most contending sagacity. The involvement of students with research at the university domains depends far and wide on the guidelines they receive from their teachers. University professors maintain the dual responsibility, that is, teaching students and helping them as researchers, to extend opportunities for students, especially when it comes to learning about academic research. Although in the university trajectory, a thesis plays a crucial part in getting involved with initial research that appears as an option for final-year undergrad students as part of students' course curriculum.

Along with thesis work, if students have great intensity to become grassroots researchers, they must make a good rapport with professors, be aware of their research interests, and align with those interests. It is very important to gather knowledge in an interested domain that can give teachers an indication of one's seriousness and is highly needed to build a solid background of field-specific knowledge that is mandatory before jumping in. For these reasons, waiting until the second half of a student's undergraduate journey is not less important to focus on because it can leave no wasted time behind unnecessary matters.

Aligning with research as a university student can strengthen both academic and practical skills. When it comes to Bangladesh matters, finding research work has been the toughest task in many arenas. It happened because our educational institutions have no wide intentions to involve students in it. Students mostly think research is not mandatory for them, but those who are inclined will pursue it. But technical knowledge gained from research will enshrines their capability no matter what field they work in. Students wait for doing their theses in their fourth year. It becomes difficult to deal with at a time when they have pressure of their coursework to finish within a given time. Instead, focusing on project work might be a good option because it can happen in the free time.

It varies to research interest level at the university level from discipline to discipline. STEM students get more opportunity to conduct research and spend perfect time in the lab or writing research papers, but when it comes to business students, it seems less inclined because of different goals at the onset of students' university domain. Students need to go through self-reflection to understand whether they are capable of conducting research or have enough knowledge in their favorite fields. 

It is important to understand the basic knowledge of research that will ascertain intentions for conducting research. Asking five questions of rhetoric: Who, What, When, Where, and Why-and, of course, then How-is the foundation of research knowledge. It is highly recommended to go through the above function again and again in reshaping views in research and to gain clarity. Before, having a clear perception of research, especially on technicality, is a must task to head towards in the trajectory to grabbing basic knowledge on research.

Although getting involved in research work is so difficult to find at the university level, students can attest with a student-led research club. Many departments offer research assistant (RA) positions to undergraduates; students can focus on the matter that allows students to work directly on faculty-led projects, gaining hands-on experience. Some universities offer courses that involve independent research projects. These courses surely provide structured opportunities to explore the horizon of interests. Pursuing internships or fellowships will provide knowledge, funding, and mentorship for grassroots researchers. It is also important to attend research conferences, seminars, and workshops to network with researchers and learn about new projects.

Last but not the least, engaging in research activities as a student will hone its horizons of interests. It will be rewarding to get some insights, which will help students become professional researchers. Research work can bring personal development and academic excellence. So, aligning with research activities as a university student and following the above-mentioned steps will expand the horizon of introspection and will ultimately bring experience over time.

The writer is an undergraduate student, Department of Economics, University of Chittagong

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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