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AoSS Fellowship honour for Prof Shahzad

Published : Wednesday, 11 September, 2024 at 12:00 AM  Count : 258
Prof Shahzad Nasir Uddin of Essex Business School at the University of Essex has achieved Fellowship award of the Academy of Social Sciences (AoSS) this month, according to a news published on the website of University of Essex (essex.ac.uk) on Tuesday.

The AoSS is the sector's leading independent voice in the UK, where it champions the vital role social sciences play in education, governments and business.

Prof Shahzad was also awarded the Distinguished Academic Award (DAA) of the British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA) for the year 2022. 

As a Bangladesh-born UK citizen, Shahzad is the first Asian academic, who received the DAA in April 2023.

 Prof Shahzad's research covers a diverse range of topics, including management accounting control, public sector accounting, governance, and sustainability. His accolades include being awarded the British Accounting and Finance Association Distinguished Academic Award in 2022, for his substantial contribution to academic accounting and his direct contribution to academic accounting and finance life in the UK.

Prof Shahzad, who is also the director of the Centre for Accountability and Global Development (CAGD) at Essex, said: "I am overjoyed to have received this award, which highlights the importance of interdisciplinary approaches in accounting research and the advancement of studies focused on non-Western countries within the accounting academic community. I deeply appreciate the British Accounting and Finance Association for nominating me for this prestigious recognition."

The Academy's Fellowship comprises 1,600 leading social scientists from academia, the public, private and third sectors. Their expertise covers the breadth of the social sciences, and their practice and research addresses some of the major challenges facing communities, society, places and economies.

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