Tuesday | 17 September 2024 | Reg No- 06
Tuesday | 17 September 2024
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Tree plantation at KUET in memory of martyred students

Published : Wednesday, 11 September, 2024 at 12:00 AM  Count : 230
KHULNA, Sept 10: Vice-Chancellor of Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET) Prof Dr Muhammad Masud on Tuesday inaugurated a tree plantation programme on the premises of 'Durbar Bangla' in memory of the brave martyrs, who sacrificed their lives during the anti-discrimination student movement.

Engineer Jahangir Alam, a student of the Civil Engineering Department and KUET Photographic Society, initiated the programme.

Among others, Dr Mohammad Sultan Mahmud, Director of Students Welfare Association, Prof Dr Md. Abdul Hasib, President of the Teachers' Association, Professor Dr. Mohiuddin Ahmad, Provost of Khan Jahan Ali Hall, and heads of all departments, teachers, presidents and secretaries of the tree development committee, officers, employees, students, officers, and employees were present at the event.    —BSS

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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