Wednesday | 18 September 2024 | Reg No- 06
Wednesday | 18 September 2024
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Pope lands in Singapore, final stop on grand Asia-Pacific tour 

Published : Thursday, 12 September, 2024 at 12:00 AM  Count : 121
SINGAPORE, Sept 11: Pope Francis touched down in Singapore Wednesday, the last stop of a four-nation Asia-Pacific trip aimed at boosting the Catholic Church's standing in the world's most populous region. 

Crowds waved Vatican and Singapore flags as Francis's plane arrived at the city-state's Changi Airport, on the last leg of a 12-day tour to the region. 

The 87-year-old pontiff has defied doubts about his health during a journey that has taken him from a Jakarta grand mosque to a remote jungle of Papua New Guinea.

In recent years, the ailing pope has undergone hernia surgery and has been plagued by respiratory issues. He now relies on a wheelchair, walking sticks or aides to get around.

But throughout the trip, he has carried out dozens of public engagements, energised congregations through impromptu call-and-response and repeatedly sat for hours in the brutal tropical heat.

In East Timor, he held a mass for 600,000 faithful -- almost half the nation's population -- before flying on Wednesday to finance hub Singapore.

"It's a very long, arduous journey given his age and medical conditions," said 44-year-old Singapore healthcare worker Marcus Voon, who plans to attend a stadium mass on Thursday.    —AFP

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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