Wednesday | 18 September 2024 | Reg No- 06
Wednesday | 18 September 2024
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Dengue rears its head again 

Published : Thursday, 12 September, 2024 at 12:00 AM  Count : 371
The dengue menace is taking a turn for the worse across the country with its infections and subsequent deaths rising alarmingly in recent days. According to a report published in this daily, five people died of dengue on Tuesday taking this year's total toll to over 102. Besides, over 17,000 people have been infected by dengue so far this year.   

However, on the same day, at least 534 dengue patients were admitted to country's different hospitals. But the highest number of 205 hospitalizations was reported in Dhaka with city hospitals and clinics finding it difficult to accommodate the growing number of dengue patients. 

As a matter of fact that the worsening dengue infections in Dhaka has been attributed to the little prevention activities in place in the two city corporations in the absence of the both city fathers from their duties since August 5 after the fall of the Awami League government. Even officials of the city corporations have been seen relatively loath about performing their every day's normal operations.    

As a result, mosque eradication program across the capital specifically spraying of different kinds of larvicides in the breeding places of Aedes misquotes which carry dengue virus has been in limbo probably due to lack of management authority and manpower. There may also be negligence in the procurement of chemicals needed to use in destroying mosquitoes.    

Another worry is that dengue has also spread to far-flung areas, producing pressure on the country's entire health system. Evidently, in a single day, at least 113 people was infected by dengue in Chattogram, followed by 59 in Khulna, 37 in Barishal, 18 in Rajshahi and 17 in Mymensingh.         

All this suggests that dengue related deaths and infections may set a new record this year if effective and prompt measures are not taken right now. In 2023, dengue fatalities reached their peak with around 1,705 registered deaths and over 321,179 cases. 

Though dengue fever is a tropical disease, its outbreak in Bangladesh was previously prevalent during rainy season until September. But last year, this disease reached it severity in October meaning dengue menace is no longer a monsoon-related disease, rather it is now almost common throughout the year.      

Experts blame this shift of dengue on the changing climate that is causing rising temperature, heavy rainfall and changing mosquito breeding cycles. This is why dengue is likely to spread further in Bangladesh as climate change makes more areas hospitable for the mosquitoes as our country is one of the most vulnerable states to the climate change in the world.

Another important factor is that Aedes mosquitoes have increasingly become resistant to most commonly used insecticides, malathion and temephos as these insecticides have lost their efficacies for their prolonged utilization on mosquito breeding places.

We urge the concerned ministry in the absence of the bifurcated city fathers to undertake immediate actions to eradicate the Aedes mosquitoes to prevent dengue disease from spreading further.

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
Published by the Editor on behalf of the Observer Ltd. from Globe Printers, 24/A, New Eskaton Road, Ramna, Dhaka.
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