Wednesday | 18 September 2024 | Reg No- 06
Wednesday | 18 September 2024
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One arrested for land grabbing, desecrating Hindu temple in Rajshahi

Published : Thursday, 12 September, 2024 at 12:00 AM  Count : 248
RAJSHAHI, Sept 11: Police arrested one person on charge of grabbing the home and land of a Hindu resident and vandalising idols in Rajshahi's Bagha upazila.

The arrestee is Mohammad Altaf Ali, 52, a resident of Jotraghu village in Bagha.

It was learnt that minority Rupa Sanatan Dube, 50, of Jotraghu village, went to India on August 2 last month for a trip.

While he was in India, on August 5, 2024, he heard about the political change in the country.

During his absence, the accused reportedly broke into his home, where his aunt Ranju Dube was staying, and stole Tk 46,000 in cash by breaking a steel box in the bedroom, said a media release signed by Md Rafiqul Islam, additional Superintendent of Police (DSB) of Rajshahi.

The attackers also assaulted Ranju and desecrated idols in a temple and damaged other worship places. Accused Altaf occupied Rupa's home and an adjacent land.

On information, Rajshahi Superintendent of Police Md Anisuzzaman ordered the concerned police station to arrest those involved. On September 9, police arrested Altaf from Arani Bazaarin Rajshahi around 9pm.

Efforts to arrest the other suspects involved in the attack are underway.

Police have already recovered the seized property and land and returned to Ranju Dube.    —UNB

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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