Wednesday | 18 September 2024 | Reg No- 06
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E-readiness and its potential to change the social system of Bangladesh

Published : Friday, 13 September, 2024 at 12:00 AM  Count : 341
E-readiness refers to the ability of a country, government, or organization to effectively use information and communication technologies (ICT) to achieve social, economic, and political development. It involves the preparedness of a nation to integrate digital technologies into various sectors, including governance, education, healthcare, and commerce. In the context of Bangladesh, improving e-readiness holds the potential to drastically change the social system by enhancing the efficiency of public services, promoting inclusivity, and driving socio-economic development. 

Introduction to E-Readiness: E-readiness is a multifaceted concept that encompasses several key components- The availability of robust internet and telecommunication infrastructure that ensures widespread access to digital services.  A population that is educated and trained to use technology, from basic literacy in ICT to advanced technical skills. A framework of laws, policies, and institutions that promote the adoption and safe use of digital technologies.  Ensuring that all segments of society, including marginalized communities have access to ICT and Internet. A business-friendly environment that fosters the growth of tech-based industries and e-commerce. Measures that ensure the safe use of digital platforms and the protection of personal data. 

Bangladesh has made significant strides in improving its e-readiness over the past decade. The government's vision of building a "Digital Bangladesh" by 2021 led to substantial investments in ICT infrastructure, with over 116 million internet users as of 2023. However, despite these advances, there are still challenges to achieving full e-readiness, including limited access in rural areas, digital literacy gaps, and a lack of sufficient regulatory frameworks. 

Bangladesh's rapid growth in mobile phone and internet penetration has positioned it to capitalize on digital technologies. Initiatives like the Access to Information (a2i) program have transformed how citizens interact with government services. E-government platforms, such as online tax filing and the digitization of land records, have improved efficiency and reduced corruption in public administration. 

However, while progress has been made, there are still significant obstacles to overcome. The country's internet infrastructure, particularly in rural areas, remains underdeveloped. Digital literacy is uneven, with large portions of the population lacking the skills to effectively use digital services. Furthermore, Bangladesh faces challenges related to cybersecurity and data protection, making it difficult to fully harness the potential of digital technologies. 

How E-Readiness Can Change Bangladesh's Social System: Improving e-readiness can have profound effects on Bangladesh's social system. Here are some key areas where it can drive transformative change:

Enhancing Access to Education: E-readiness can revolutionize the education system by providing access to quality education through digital platforms. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of online education, yet the shift to digital learning exposed inequalities in access to technology. By improving e-readiness, the government can expand e-learning initiatives, making education more accessible to marginalized communities, particularly n rural areas. Through the use of digital tools such as e-learning platforms, interactive online courses, and virtual classrooms, students across Bangladesh can access high-quality education, reducing disparities between urban and rural students. Moreover, teachers can benefit from access to digital resources and training, enhancing the overall quality of education in the country. 

Improving Healthcare Delivery: E-readiness has the potential to transfer healthcare by enabling telemedicine services, digital health records, and online consultations, which can significantly improve access to healthcare, particularly in rural and underserved areas. With many remote areas lacking adequate healthcare facilities, digital health services can bridge this gap by connecting patients with doctors and specialists in urban centers. For example, the expansion of telecommunication can allow patients to receive medical consultations without traveling long distances, thus reducing costs and increasing access to timely healthcare. Additionally, digital health records can improve the efficiency of medical services by ensuring that patients' information is easily accessible to healthcare providers, reducing errors and improving continuity of care. 

Promoting Finance Inclusion: E-readiness can also promote financial inclusion by expanding access to digital financial services, such as mobile banking and digital payments. A large portion of Bangladesh's population remains unbanked, particularly in rural areas. By improving e-readiness, the country can provide access to affordable financial services to individuals who are otherwise excluded from the formal banking system. Mobile financial services, such as Bkash and Nagad, have already shown significant promise in bringing financial services to millions of Bangladeshis. As e-readiness improves more people can benefit from these services, leading t greater economic participation and empowerment, particularly, for women and low income households. 

Enhancing Governance and Reducing Corruption: Digital technologies can play a critical role in improving governance by making government services more efficient, transparent, and accessible. By digitizing public services, the government can reduce bureaucratic delays and eliminate opportunities for corruption. For example, online portals for government services such as business registration, tax filing, and social benefits can make these processes more streamlined and less prone to manipulation. 

Empowering Rural Communities: E-readiness can help bridge the rural-urbandivide by providing rural communities with access to information, services, and opportunities that were previously unavailable. Farmers, for instance, and agriculturebenefit from digital tools that provide real-time information on weather, crop prices, and agricultural best practices. This access to information can improve productivity, reduce waste, and increase incomes. Moreover, e-readiness can support the development of rural e-commerce, allowing small businesses and entrepreneurs to reach broader markets, both domestically and internationally. This can stimulate economic growth in rural areas, reducing poverty and improving living standards. 

Finally, Bangladesh stands at a critical juncture in its journey toward becoming a digitally empowered nation. By focusing on improving e-readiness, the country can harness the power of digital technologies to transform its social system, enhance public services, promote inclusivity, and drive sustainable development. However, to fully realize this potential, significant investments in digital infrastructure, education, and regulatory frameworks are essential. With the right policies in place, e-readiness can play a pivotal role in building a more equitable, prosperous, and connected Bangladesh. 

The writer is a Student, University of Rajshahi, Department of Political Science

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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