Unicef Goodwill Ambassador Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra visited Hariyakhali are under Sabrang union in Teknaf upazila of Cox's Bazar, the entrance point of Rohingyas from Myanmar.
She reached the spot around 9:30am from Royel Tulip Hotel in Ukhiya.
Later, the actress visited Unicef-run Leda child playground where she talked to Rohingya children and took photographs with them.
But, she reacted angrily to see the strong security measures taken for her and requested police personnel to ease the security.
Earlier on Monday, the actress came to Bangladesh on a four-day visit to see Rohingya situation on the ground.
Hours after her arrival, she went to Cox's Bazar Rohingya camps.
Priyanka was named a global Unicef Goodwill Ambassador, after serving as a National Goodwill Ambassador to India for 10 years.