political leader may be in power or in the opposition, has a wide range
of scope for performing welfare activities for the mass people in terms
of authority, influence and power. The ruling political leaders could
guide both executive and judiciary to the justified path minimizing
conflicts between these two crucial elements of a modern sovereign
nation state.
By utilizing maximum authority and power a good
political leader or head of government could act as a beacon of hope,
source of empowerment and symbol of economic development for a nation.
On the contrary- cruelty, arrogance of an unpopular leader could create a
big threat even to the whole world.
World politics has become
highly vulnerable in this 21st century in terms of peace and stability.
Some unscrupulous leaders and statesman happened to become head of the
government or state in some most powerful countries who are gradually
becoming a big threat to global peace and stability. Their arrogance and
immoral threat creating panic among ordinary people.
They are
fuelling directly or indirectly some cruel dictators of the world so
that war and conflicts could prevail all around the world for upholding
steady growth of their arms business, divide and rule policy or
achieving some strategic comparative benefits against the competitors.
statesmen, military leaders, politicians and political scientists have
defined leadership from various angles. Napoleon Bonaparte says "A
leader is a dealer in hope". According to John F Kennedy "Leadership and
learning are indispensable to each other". Buchannan and Huczynski says
"Leadership is a social process in which one individual influences the
behaviour of others without the use of threat or violence."
Khaldun in his excellent book 'Al-Muqaddimah' draws a new dimension of
leadership. He says - "leadership is an outcome of interaction between
different social groups." Al Buraey says- "an ideal leadership is the
one that seeks happiness of the individual and society."
But in
reality leadership comes in many styles and characteristics. Some
leaders oppress, others empower. Some are driven by greed, others by a
passion for social justice.
If we observe the characteristics of
the leaders, especially the more charismatic variety, we will always
find that they are fascinating on the one hand and very much suspicious
on the other hand. In most of the cases their fine words are just a
disguise for corruption, arrogance, or deceit.
Once people would
came to politics with an intention to serve the people and the nation
and they had inbuilt extraordinary leadership qualities. But now in most
of the countries, especially in the third world or developing countries
politics is mostly dependent on muscle power, black money, terrorism
which are severely damaging the rule of law and good governance.
Politics has become the most profitable business that does not require
any owner's equity or capital base. Political influence in combination
with muscle power has created a vicious cycle with a long chain of
beneficiaries of power, money that is breeding corruption in all parts
of the society.
All the partners of this cycle are
interdependent and they are bound to keep their kingdom intact at any
cost. In today's world, especially in the developing countries,
mobilization of government funds has increased exponentially for various
infrastructural and other development works. And this has been the most
attractive source to divert fund all over the world and money
laundering for various crimes and offences. Moreover wilful defaulters
of the financial institutions are being encouraged indirectly with the
subsidy from taxpayer's money injected to the weaker financial
institutions for healing their wounded capital base. As a result huge
funds are being diverted to foreign offshore banks, many unproductive
sectors, luxury and building second home on abroad.
If we look
into the constitution of the political parties of different countries,
we would find in most of the cases that there have been extreme
nationalism, communalism, racism, fascism, corporate colonialism,
authoritarianism, populism and many more. Populism is a political
approach that seeks to disrupt the existing social order by solidifying
and mobilizing the animosity of the common people against the privileged
elites and the establishment.
Through some attractive populist
activities they first of all try to come into power but eventually they
become oppressor, puppet of the powerful nations, violate basic human
rights and suppress all sorts of opposition political rights and demand.
political morality has been disappeared. Big companies, corporate
giants are dominating over all politicians and political parties. Big
companies always try to implement their agenda and to uphold the
interest of their business at any cost. Sometimes many billionaires
themselves become politician. Not only that sometimes they act as
religious fanatics, racists and spread communal hatred. Even the
corporate giants manipulate the election results to bring their
favourite person in power or keeping them in powering order to get undue
favour, privilege and advantages.
If any group or a person tries
to stand favouring his or her country's interest and if that interest
goes against any important interest of the superpowers then those
patriots inevitably become dismantled directly, indirectly or by any
local agent or creating opposition parties so that the patriots become
frustrated. Sometimes those patriots become victimized by being
Not only in their own country the superpowers and
corporate giants have also their own global mission to keep their
financial, strategic and military interests intact through manipulating,
interfering other country's affairs directly, indirectly and even
taking military action shamelessly violating all basic human rights and
international laws.
The speech, 'might is right'-- was not as
widespread as it is found in today's world. But this has been
implemented very much tactfully in the name of national security,
fighting terrorism, protecting personal freedom, individualism and many
other blackmailing traps. At the same time divide and rule policy is
still continuing as a very effective weapon. But today's divide and rule
policy is being implemented through local agents, hypocrites and
collaborators who are acting against their own society, nation and
country just for gaining a tiny personal interest.
Having said
that there had been some progressive leaders, who are to be found at all
levels of society and in all countries. If we look into the ideology
and acts of some leaders in 20th century, we will find that Nelson
Mandela in South Africa, Gandhi in India, Martin Luther King in the US,
or Julius Nyerere in Tanzania all emerged at critical junctures in
history-moments of abrupt change, crisis, or external threat-and they
seized the opportunity to alter the balance of power in their societies.
Those great leaders helped to remake societies, rather than simply
making them work a bit better.
Even in the absence of crisis,
leaders in developing countries often have more opportunity to transform
society. Despite relatively weak constitutional institutions, force of
will and personality can help for building national culture, laws, and
political institutions, including the checks and balances on the power
of future leaders. Perhaps that is why early leaders like Bismarck in
Germany, George Washington in the USA, Lee Kuan Yew in Singapore,
Ataturk in Turkey, or Mandela in South Africa achieved mythic status as
the founders of the nation.
Globalization has brought with it
many new challenges and opportunities for societies all around the
world. Information technology, virtual reality, artificial intelligence
are dominating world's business, lifestyle as well as politics which are
leading the world to the so called fourth industrial revolution. So
today's leadership must have dynamism, IT literacy, ability to keep pace
with the fastest changing world. But they must not utilize modern
information technology and tools to come into power as well as to remain
in power for long.
Leaders have to react to these new
developments positively and fairly. Their positive reactions in turn
affect the lives of people both within their societies and around the
world. These challenges and opportunities vary according to context, yet
there are certain threads of similarity. Because the difference of
interest, demand, thinking based on religion, race, nation, culture are
reducing day by day.
So we can consider the whole world as a
tiny global village. If all of the leaders become respectful to the
expectation of the people, rule of law, basic human rights- then peace,
prosperity must prevail in the society, country and all over the world.
Noore Alam Siddiqui is a freelance writer and columnist