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Monday | 13 January 2025 | Epaper

Oh, Prometheus

Published : Saturday, 26 January, 2019 at 12:00 AM  Count : 1179
O, Prometheus, the benefactor of human race,
Born to the Titan Iapetus
You lived in the elusive cocoon of pantheon,
In the Mount Olympus.
From distant heaven you had watched
The agony of human race,
Who were not yet gifted with fire
For their daily chores.

Your heart ached with pain
That human were struggling hard;
To possess the warmth of fire.

In one opportune moment,
You had stolen fire from heaven,
And fondly gave it to humans;
Against the wishes of gods;
Thus became the earliest teacher,
And benefactor of human race.

Gods in heavens were enraged at your
Such noble act of defiance;
And punished you by chaining
In mountain rock,
Where an eagle fed daily on your liver.

With the precious gift of fire that you gave,
Human race survived and prospered on earth;
To become the crown of creation.

But your cries with excruciating pain,
Caused from every cruel stroke of eagle,
Still feeding on your liver;
Sadly, fell only on deaf ear of human race.

How pity it is to imagine
That Prometheus still languishing in chains
For his noble act of gifting humans with fire.

While by breaking all shackles & chains,
After paradise lost,
Humans enslaved fire by unbreakable chains;
And reached the pinnacle of success,
By warding off looming darkness
In the struggle for existence,
On the earth of dust.

O, Prometheus-the benefactor of human race,
You keep taking cheers;
In myriad numbers for your daring act;
Of stealing blazing inferno from the heaven
Defying the orders of gods
As long as flames of fire stay ablaze,
In the hands of human race
For all noble causes on the earth's pale-blue face.

Viva Prometheus,
Viva your love for human race.

The poet is a former Civil Servant

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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