The devils of the dark did not spare four national leaders who led the war of Liberation and the government Bangladesh in exile in Bangabandhu's name in 1971 and murdered them within the safe custody of prison in November 1975 thus adding one blacker chapter in the history book of vile barbarity and brutality.
Fiends of dark wearing certain abhorrent political face celebrated the day of Bangabandhu's murder in ghastly fashion like cutting cake on someone's fake birthday for long years in the manner as the barbarians in grotesque face stage macabre dance encircling the carcasses of the beasts of their prey; before the people believing in the true spirit of Liberation War got back the country and pushed back the evil forces into the dark alley of regression that they in fact belong to.
The cruelty of ghouls wearing human face who killed Bangabandhu along with the members of his family and political disciples for his giving freedom to the Bengali Nation through his long enduring struggle, virtually surpassed the cruelty of the mythological gods of heavens in handing punishment to Prometheus, who out of his great love, gave fire to humans.
Prometheus had been punished by the gods of Olympus mountain but the spark of fire that he had kindled to pass it to human race remain ablaze with its flames still gliding in towering heights. Physically, Bangabandhu is no more with us, but his ideology and thunderous voice still resonates in the air of his Golden Bengal and reverberates in the hearts of every true Bengalis, who have once again shown and testified in loud voice in the recently held national election that pro-liberation forces will lead the country for all intents of purposes towards road to prosperity; where the forces with double standard often seen frothing in mouths uttering the name of Bangabandhu, with forming unholy political alliance with the evil forces of dark have no place.
A small spark of fire can ward-off all gathering darkness and make the world enlightened to live in. Freedom is highly sought-after to live with, without which human life sinks in the morass of stagnation. Prometheus gave fire to the human race and Bangabandhu kindled the light of fire to give freedom to the Bengali Nation.
Names of Bangabandhu and Prometheus are synonymous to each other. Gifted with undying souls, both Prometheus and Bangabandhu suffered equal eventualities for their noble and benevolent acts. So, allegorically, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is the undying Prometheus of the Bengali Nation in deed.
Viva Bangabandhu. Viva Prometheus of the Bengali Nation.