Hello! Black hole,
Are you as black,
As you are painted black?
Are you so famished,
That even light cannot escape;
When falls in your hungry mouth
To contain your unbound gluttony?
Born with equal Mass & Gravity,
Of thousands Suns.
Once you glowed with your,
Charm and gaiety;
And enshrined the skies,
In eye-blinding light and hues
Of thousands Sun.
With hiding in your mystery home
At Event Horizon,
You devour thousands stars a day,
Those fall on your path of hungry gravity.
One day with unbearable burden,
Of your mammoth size and gravity;
You had lost all your fuels of luster
With airbrushing all your towering vanity.
To transform into a dead Black hole.
Your grinning mouth is said to be,
A gateway of never ending black tunnel;
That accelerate any celestial objects fallen into;
In whirlpool effect of gargantuan funnel;
To the never ending journey,
Road to the Parallel Universe of obscurity;
Ensconced in the frame of Event Horizon.
Your inexhaustible burrow is said to be,
A corridor that leads to Heaven & Hell;
Through which Angels from Heaven make their way,
Into the Universe that exists in reality,
With the Providence from the Grand Designer
Who designed you and the rest of the Creation?
With all His wonders of cosmic splendours,
At the moment of sparking-off;
The birth of the expanding Universe.
Hello! Black hole, will you shine again,
With your fire & fury of thousands blazing Suns;
At time Big Crunch is triggered,
Obliterating all lights across the Universe,
Thus reducing all & sundry,
Once again to primordial Singularity.
The poet is a former Civil Servant