O, life. As a perennial flower you bloom on earth, And open your eye-lids in floral petals; With the pace & rhythm of flying time.
Stepping into childhood days, You look so tender & soft; To charm the world around.
In your boyhood time, You achieve stubbornness; With romping on the earth under your feet.
Your blooming in all aura & aroma, Gains a point of saturation; In your golden time of youth.
With your flaming glows, Filled with combustible fuels of youth; Your youthful days are not everlasting.
Without your notice you slowly move, To the world of maturing age; Where your flower of wisdom florets.
In your days of ripe age, You disseminate your wisdom & thoughts; To your lustrous heirs with all tender care.
With ageing in process spinning on its inertia, Your facial skins wrinkles; With whitening your black forest of hairs.
With your dwindling power of resistance, Diseases weave their nests in you; Through irreversible ageing in process.
A fateful day in waiting with ageing in rolling, Ceases your respiration & circulation; To make you again blossoms in a perennial flower. In the afterworld you know not where it lies.