Sunday | 12 January 2025 | Reg No- 06
Sunday | 12 January 2025 | Epaper

Ageing in process

Published : Saturday, 13 July, 2019 at 12:00 AM  Count : 657
O, life.
As a perennial flower you bloom on earth,
And open your eye-lids in floral petals;
With the pace & rhythm of flying time.
Stepping into childhood days,
You look so tender & soft;
To charm the world around.
In your boyhood time,
You achieve stubbornness;
With romping on the earth under your feet.
Your blooming in all aura & aroma,
Gains a point of saturation;
In your golden time of youth.

With your flaming glows,
Filled with combustible fuels of youth;
Your youthful days are not everlasting.

Without your notice you slowly move,
To the world of maturing age;
Where your flower of wisdom florets.

In your days of ripe age,
You disseminate your wisdom & thoughts;
To your lustrous heirs with all tender care.

With ageing in process spinning on its inertia,
Your facial skins wrinkles;
With whitening your black forest of hairs.
With your dwindling power of resistance,
Diseases weave their nests in you;
Through irreversible ageing in process.
A fateful day in waiting with ageing in rolling,
Ceases your respiration & circulation;
To make you again blossoms in a perennial flower.
In the afterworld you know not where it lies.
The poet is a former Civil Servant

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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