Sunday | 12 January 2025 | Reg No- 06
Sunday | 12 January 2025 | Epaper


Published : Saturday, 28 September, 2019 at 12:00 AM  Count : 810

When myriad silence still lingers in air,
Across the horizon;
When stars dim their light,
To leave space to a brighter Sun to rise;
When nature still wallows over,
The cocoon of lazy slumber;
When glistening dew drops,
Still stays embraced on tip of young grasses;
When birds and warblers,
Re-sets slowly their euphonious tone;
When gentle cool breeze,
Comforts the craving souls;
When red-crested roosters shrill clarion,
Rings a wake-up bell for sleeping humans;
When Muazzin's call for prayer,
Wakes up devotees to bow & prostrate;
Dawn breaks in misty glows,
With gleaming hopes of a day.

Dawn comes with hopes of lingering long,
To enchant humans savoring its beauty and splendor.

With the rise of glowing sun,
In all fury and rage to promote a bright morning;
Dawn's desires to stay long dwindles fast,
To be relegated in the state of hibernation;
With disappointing men of mind,
Cherishing to relish its beauty & grace a day long.

Encapsulated in the womb of nature in silence,
For a day and night;
Dawn resurrects again and again,
Before the rise of blazing sun;
That appears every morning in all fire & fury,
To molest and devour;
Dawn's mellow souls in unheard whimpers,
With grinning in unbound greed.

Men of mind watch & wonder,
The relentless wizardry of nature,
Dramatizing a Hide & Seek game,
Between Dawn and Morning for eternal time.
The poet is a former Civil servant.

Also read
Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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