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'Koon Faiya Koon'

(Be and it is)

Published : Wednesday, 13 November, 2019 at 12:00 AM  Count : 390
Philosophers speculate: 'Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit'!
And without much variations in thought process,
Scientists' reason: 'Nothing Comes out of Nothing'.

Philosophers crave for Genus & Species
And Scientists equally argue for Cause & Effect.

Philosophers and Scientists ride on same boat
To unearth secrets of Smmum Genus & Infima Species  
As both lie encrypted in the recesses of mystery.

Philosophers find solutions of their curiosity
In Speculations and intricacies of logic;
With a lab suitably niches in the corner of their reasoning;
While scientists do it under the hard gaze of
Observations & Experiments in their own scientific methods.

Philosophers waft in cherubic delight;
Of Skepticism, Nihilism, Empiricism, Materialism
And wander in the arbor of imagination with rhapsodic hues;
To grasp in mind intensely how the Universe came into being,
By the ordain of a Supreme power;
While the scientists make it sure only
By their discovery after enduring trials & tribulations;
That the Higgs-Boson 'God Particle'
Triggered the birth of the Universe by Big-bang;
Thereby setting in motion
Time & Space billions of years ago.

Philosophers drift on the thread of logic & reasoning;
While the Scientists hang on nothing
But Observations & Experiments day & night;
To unfurl The Summum bonum of life & afterlife thereafter;
Resting under the fold of
The Known Universe & elusive Parallel Universe;
By their relentless journey towards knowing the Unknown.

Both Philosophers & Scientists
Even having caught in the labyrinth 'to do or not to do';
Their endeavors & search remain ceaseless forever.

Humans are seemingly the rare bred in the Universe
In whom God instilled inexhaustible urges
To know the Unknown.

God appreciate humans' unending cravings
To seek knowledge & wisdom from Cradle to Grave;
And to unfurl the mystery of His creation
Within a pre-destined given radius!

God made it easy to bail out curious minds
From being in the jigsaw-puzzle-Box of intricate nature   
And thus Proclaimed: "Koon Faiya Koon'
'Be and it is'
"There for glory be to Him in Whose hand
Is the domination over all thing!
Unto Him ye will be brought back"(Al-Quran).  

The poet is a former Civil Servant  

Also read
Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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