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COVID-19 outbreak: Time to testify patriotism

Published : Sunday, 19 April, 2020 at 12:00 AM  Count : 712
Patriotism grows inside us when we experience patriotic events. Our knowledge and devotion to country incubate in our hearts when we participate in singing the national anthem, say the pledge of allegiance, study the inception history of a country, attend parades that include military personnel, visit monuments, enjoy patriotic movies or cinema and even attend or watch the process of a military funeral.

But first and foremost, patriotism is a concept which brings people together. A sense of solidarity and love for our country is a sentiment which binds into our mind. It is a shared feeling and common goal to do what's best for the nation as a whole and be supportive throughout this question.

Patriotism means supporting the values set forth in the constitution, helping to ensure that everybody - regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion - has the opportunity to enjoy the democratic freedoms of their nation. It's about working not just for oneself, but for the good of all.

It has been observed with dissatisfaction that some health personnel in our country are avoiding tendency or remain absent in their working place considering the fear of health risk during this COVID-19 pandemic. They are remained absent not only the working place, they are absentia to see the patients in their private chambers or job station. In this situation, the victims' patients feel discomfort and unsecured to their life and some are also blamed harassment when they receive the doctors service.

Our prime minister has recently vowed that stern action would be taken against those who are found to be absent in their respective job station and already six doctors have been suspended temporary due to their negligence or unwillingly to perform their regular duty. However, she has already announced Tk.1 billion for the health safety program of the health personnel in a state statement and also announced an insurance coverage fund of Tk.7.50 billion for all field level personnel who are fighting for the COVID-19 pandemic as a part of global crisis and lockdown.

The health personnel also alleged that the health related medical equipments are not available or provided by the authority concerned in time, but this is not the real cause behind the absentia and someone said it is a lame excuses. This same equipment crisis have been happened and found in the developed countries like USA, Italy, Spain, France, UK etc during the COVID-19 pandemic and there is not a single health personnel remain absent in their working place for blaming such excuses.

But what we see in abroad that the retired health personnel have joined with the existing servicemen, they didn't get the chance to serve such crisis moment in their whole service time and they said, it is a great but rare chance to give something in this crisis moment and they showed their true patriotism to a nation. To seeing their service spirit, devotion and dedication to their works, many volunteers are also willingly joined with them to provide the healthcare related ancillary services. They said they have commitment to the state and it is their foremost duty to stay beside the country in such a crucial crisis moment.

In our country, the law enforcement agencies, local administration, military personnel, utility service providers, bankers and other related personnel are working in their respective place of duty as per government order and instructions from time to time. It is obligatory to everyone to follow the state order and duty whatever the cases may be and wherever the emergency tasks is provided. Nobody can avoid this.

It should be reminded that the state give us many things, state provided us huge expenditure and subsidy during our education life, so we have a lot of duties to our country and it is the right time to give something to our beloved homeland and we should not avoided it at any cost. Not only the health personnel, but also everyone related with the emergency services of COVID-19 outbreak, should come forward sincerely to serve the nation in this crisis moment in a wholeheartedly and without any delay.

Patriotism or national pride is the feeling of love, devotion and sense of attachment to homeland and common feeling with other citizens who share the same sentiment in their mind. This attitude can be a combination of many different feelings relating to one's own homeland, including ethnic, cultural, political or historical aspects. It encompasses a set of concepts closely related to nationalism.

A patriot loves his/her country and is loyal to his/her country. Patriotism is a form of loyalty, and loyalty involves partiality. If we are loyal to something, then we give it special treatment, as compared with similar things towards which we are not loyal. A loving parent gives special treatment to their own children; a loyal friend gives special treatment to his/her friends, and so on.

Patriotism is a form of special concern for his/her own country. One way to be especially concerned for their own country is to have a special concern for its moral performance. We can care about whether our country serves the causes of peace and justice. Since this is a form of special concern for country, it qualifies as a form of patriotism.

It is important that younger generations be exposed to patriotic events while they are maturing and followed what the senior citizens are doing in the past. Without this exposure young people will not learn about the traditions and accomplishments of the greatest experiment on earth: They will be left to acquire pride in their country on their own.
All this is having a deleterious impact on our young people. They are observing the weakness in our adult community and concluding that it is not a country to be admired, even though millions of citizens are trying to give services in our country every day, while there is literally nobody leaving to go to a foreign nation.

It is to be bear in our mind that the soldiers who remain absent in the war field fearing the fighting bullets, he is not a soldier and he has no patriotism to his homeland. Similarly, the player who is scuffing in the field, he is not a real player at all. So, a professional cannot avoid his duty in any way, his duty is to perform the state order and instructions whatever the situation is and whatever the task is. His duty is to respond the country's perilous time.

Here young generation have a strong patriotic spirit and commitment and senior citizen and professional have a long experience and skills, these are the capital of all working forces. So it is the right time to testify patriotism for every professional who are fighting against COVID-19 pandemic in this crucial crisis moment of the country.

The writer is banker and freelance     contributor

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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