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Racism has no place in Islam

Published : Saturday, 27 June, 2020 at 12:00 AM  Count : 777
Md Zillur Rahaman

Md Zillur Rahaman

Numerous problems we are facing nowadays. Some of them are natural, while some are of our own creation. These problems are created by misunderstanding and ideologies.

The recent brutal killing of George Floyd has ignited massive protests against racism across the United States, is also helping to expose long-festering wounds of racism in Minnesota. In the fraught atmosphere after Floyd was killed by a Minneapolis police officer, racist comments surfaced on social media that sparked out many parts of the world and it is really unprecedented in the contemporary history.
Racism is the ugliest ideology that beliefs that a particular race is superior or inferior to another; that a person's social and moral traits are predetermined by his or her inborn biological characteristics. It is the belief that different races should remain segregated and apart from one another. Such racist attitudes are abhorred and condemned seriously in Islam.
When listening to the radio, reading newspapers, browsing internet or watching television, we are confronted daily with the same sad news: violence, crime, wars and disasters. This constant awareness of fear and tension should make us to think what has triggered such violence and what can be done to end it.

When Muslims go to the mosque to say their regular players, there is no difference among them. Whatever a person's status doesn't matter but each are equal there, they can stand beside each other, everyone is equal and unique in the eye of almighty Allah. The same thing also prevails during the performing of holy Haji. All Muslims are equal and there is no discrimination based on colour, race or wealth. Islam with its universal concept of this brotherhood rejects all artificial and man-made marks of distinction or identity.

Allah says in holy Quran, "We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other. Verily the most honored of you in the sight of God is he who is the most righteous of you." (Quran, Surah Hujrat 49, Verse 13)

By reading this verse we understand that this message is not just for Muslims only because Allah is addressing all of humanity. As Muslims we are taught that we are brothers, which is part of a larger brotherhood of humanity. Islam with its universal concept of brotherhood rejects all artificial and man-made marks of distinction.

One of the main factors producing the differences between cultures and cultural attainment in the world is history rather than race. If racial superiority is only a myth why then has race in the past played and continued to play a large part in world conflict today? Why in some areas do people argue that others are biologically inferior to them?
No one can claim any superiority over the other based on race, color, language or wealth and this is emphasized in the last pilgrim's sermon of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) showing high regard of humanity irrespective of color or race, "All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black nor does a black have any superiority over a white except by piety and good action."

A man once visited the Prophet's mosque and saw a group of people including Salman (from Persia), Suhaib, a Greek, and Bilal--an African. The man said, "If the (Madinan) tribes of Aws and Khazraj support Muhammad, they are his people. But what are these people doing here?" The Prophet (PBUH) became angry when this was reported to him. He went to the mosque and summoned people to prayer where he addressed them saying, "O people know that the Lord and Sustainer is One. Your ancestor is one, your faith is one. The Arabism of anyone of you is not from your mother or father. It is no more than a tongue (language). Whoever speaks Arabic is an Arab."

As Muslims, it is fundamental we believe that discriminatory exclusion based on race is alien to the spirit of our faith. The ugliest form of racism divides people into 'us' and 'them,' based one's color and caste. And it happens when people feel that it's acceptable to treat others badly as they go about their daily lives.

Allah created us from a man and a woman meaning then that we are all the same. Moreover, we are created through the same process, not in a manner in which some are created with a better mechanism than others. We must understand that Allah made human beings into different groups and people. These differences are not wrong, but rather a sign from Him. Allah says in the Quran, "And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colors. Verily, in that are indeed signs for those who know." (Quran, Surah Rum 30, Verse 22)

We notice that not a single word support discrimination based on race or ethnicity in the Quran. Islam, however, limits the purpose of these distinctions to identify and know each other. This does not meant that a group is better than another--based on tribalism, nationalism and racism.

We must remember these differences are meant for human beings to achieve progress attaining happiness through the process. We must not lose sight of this fundamental goal and at no time should we place means above ends; the supremacy of humanity over matter and ideology must always be maintained.

There are two things important to keep in mind: self-examination and self-correction. We should constantly check our attitude toward others, examining ourselves carefully, and we should correct ourselves immediately when we find we are in the wrong.

One individual who is higher in piousness, more conscious of his Creator and is staying away from the bad and doing the good is better, no matter what nation, country or caste, he is part of. Individual piety is the only thing that makes a person better and greater than the other one.

It is necessary to develop our sense of universal responsibility, a deep concern for all irrespective of creed, color, sex, or nationality. The Prophet teaches: "Whoever has arrogance in his heart equal to an atom's weight shall not enter Paradise. A man inquired about a person who likes to wear beautiful clothes and fine shoes, he answered, 'Allah is beautiful and likes beauty' and explained pride as rejecting truth because of self-esteem and looking down on other people." (Sahih Muslim-65)

We learn that the idea of universal responsibility is the simple fact that, in general terms, all others' desires are the same as mine. Every entity wants happiness and does not want suffering.

If we, as intelligent human beings, do not accept this fact, there will be more and more suffering on this planet. If we adopt the racists' self-centered approach to life and constantly try to abuse others for our own interest, we may gain temporary benefits, but in the long run, we will not succeed in achieving even personal happiness. Simultaneously the world will be chaotic.

The writer is a freelance contributor

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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