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Sunday | 12 January 2025 | Epaper

Divine Malediction

Published : Saturday, 11 July, 2020 at 12:00 AM  Count : 660
A nation or a race when morally
Degrades or flogged by moral turpitude
Ponder nothing but sin, vice and envy.

They become swashbuckler and trounce the poor
At their sweet will, they care for no ethics
Of law or divine edicts; the poor souls
Who are netted in their toils cannot be
Freed; in sooth, the people in posse constrain
The wretched to brook all sorts of torture
And hurtle towards grave.

Monad observes all
The heinous deeds of human beings and
Sends angels for redress, angels strive to
Bring back the derailed souls to right path hotspurs
Pay no heed to their words, rather they go
For all sorts of immoral deeds such as
Arson, raping, killing, depredation
And inhumane torture upon the lout.

Providence then sends divine malediction
To the arrogant nation or race in
The form of horrible pestilence to teach
The imperious a rueful lesson.

In many parts of the world minority
Races are being grilled, detruded from their
Homestead, even the impeccable children
Are being snatched away from their parents
And hurled in the blazing fire. Spruce svelte and
Fraus' are being ravished in front of their
Husbands and parents.

Nature cracks down on  
The tyrants, seducers, scamps, killers and
Pillagers insouciant to divine
Edicts. To forgo a race, caste and creed
Beyond any doubt is an internecine
Offence and guilt. Divine malediction
Which befalls on the imprecated souls
Silently, yet they care little, go for pelf
And pounds in mundane life. Though reprobated,
They hardly repent for their grisly sin.

Zazabar Osman is a poet and novelist 

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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