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Thursday | 16 January 2025 | Epaper

Female education on bicentenary of Vidyasagar’s birth

Published : Friday, 16 October, 2020 at 12:00 AM  Count : 476
After 200 years of birth, Iswarchandra Vidyasagar is still relevant the field female education. In 1882 Chandramukhi Basu (a Bengali speaking Christian) and Kadambini Ganguly (the first Bengalee and Indian female physician) became the first graduates from Bethune College. Credit of their success goes equally to Drinkwater Bethune and his friend Iswarchandra Vidyasagar. Iswarchandra was the pioneer of what we call education for all today. When British government was not allowing any other boys except those coming of higher caste families, Vidyasagar was opening the door of education for all irrespective of class and social status, even for cobblers and sweepers. Without caring for financial support from British government he continued opening girls' schools one after another facing obstruction and humiliation from around.

From the very beginning, some well educated persons intended to inform people of the necessity of female education through writing books and delivering speeches. Such a book Stree Siskha Bidhyak (Guideline for Female Education) by Pandit Gourmohon Bidyalankar, published in 1822, became so popular that within 2 years 3rd edition was published. In 1840 Reverend Krishnamohon Banerjee wrote a long essay on importance of female education which earned a prize of Tk. 200. An essay competition was held in 1842 for students of Hindu College.  Ramgopal Ghosh declared gold and silver medal for the two first essayists. Michael Madhusudan Dutta and Bhudev Mukherjee secured 1st and 2nd  positions.

In 1847 the first girls' school supervised by Bengalees was established at Barasat, a suburb of Calcutta, at the initiative of Kali Krishna Mitra, his elder brother Nabin Krishna Mitra and educationist Pyaricharan Sarker. Kuntibala, daughter of Kali Krihna, was enrolled as the first student of this school. As a result of establishing this school these three persons had to face severe humiliation from the superstitious Brahmin pundits. They were ostracised.  Land for the school was donated by Kali Krishna Sarker. As a mark of tribute to him the school has been named after him - Barasat Kali Krishna Girls' High School.

Being encouraged by this school Mr Bethune, with active support from Vidyasagar, established a school for girls in town Calcutta in 1849. Bhubanmala and Kundamala, two daughters of Madanmohon Tarkalanker, were the first students of that school. Attending the annual programme of this school Mr Madanmohon wrote a long essay for a magazine. Placing strong arguments he demolished those who criticised him for sending his daughters to school. Referring to women of home and abroad he explained the exigency of female education.

In 1850 a transport was arranged for students of Bethune School coming from distance but pedestrians passed obscene comments towards that transport. Discrimination between boys and girls are still continuing through single sex school from primary level. Mr. Madanmohon said, "Except outward appearance a girl is not intellectually inferior to a boy. Rather, in many cases, girls are more reasonable and prompt". Women of our country are now getting educated, they are acquiring places in administration and many other sectors but the way was never full of flowers.

In 1850 Vidyasagar was appointed as honourary secretary of the first Hindu Female School. The post was made permanent in 1851. Mainly as per his suggestion practice of hand writing, mathematics, physics, geography and needle work were included in syllabus for girls. Bengali was made compulsory and English optional at the consent of guardians. Vidyasagar was active in managing committee of Hindu Female School from 18/50 to 1856. He established 35 girls' schools during November 1857 and May 1858. He had brotherly relation with Lieutenant Governor Mr. Halliday but without waiting for permission from British government he continued sending proposal to Lieutenant Governor to open girls' schools. Lieutenant Governor also approved those but problem crept up because there was no provision for books for students and salary for teachers. Simply as a mark of respect to Vidyasagar they continued teaching. Vidyasgar tried for government fund and sent letter to Director of Public Instruction.

Though DPI supported Vidyasagar financial problem continued. On the other hand, British government raised question regarding Vidyasagar's authority to open so many girls' schools. After prolonged effort Tk 3,000 was granted which was less than half of the actual requirement. We must remember that it was the time of Sepoy Mutiny which seriously affected treasury of British government. The newly established girls' schools had to face financial trouble.
Vidyasagar maintained equality in selecting syllabus for girls. In addition to boys' syllabus female subjects like needle work was included. During mid 19th century there were many social hurdles and financial crisis. Yet Vidyasagar was alert so that girls could expose themselves. Ignoring Vidyasagar's opinion and at the instance of Mary Carpenter  normal school was founded inside Bethune School thinking that Bengalee girls should be taught by Bengalee teachers. This proposal of British government was apparently reasonable because such practice prevailed in England.

Government took initiative to establish such a school mainly for girls of Bethune School because Vidyasagar actively considered the wide cultural difference between the east and west. Educated families were convinced to send their girls to school because age of school going girls was between 5-12 years. He very clearly realised that Bemgalees, habituated with child marriage, will never send 12+ girls to school. Apprehending that married girls might be dishonourd at school he started child marriage prevention movement. Next to abolition of Satidah in 1829 this was the initial stage of the long way to establish women's right.

In 1850 senior students of Hindu School published a monthly magazine named Sarbashuvokari (beneficial to all). In the inaugurating issue Vidyasagar wrote an essay - demerits of child marriage. Prudent Vidyasagar realised the urgency of female education and uprooting the curse of child marriage. Even after long 170 years that long essay may be a subject matter of research of science and sociology.

Though Chandramukhi and Kadambini graduated from Bethune College in 1882, curtain system did not come to an end. After a few decades when Begum Rokeya took initiative to establish an organisation for spreading female education in Calcutta in 1924 she also had to face similar impediments and slander as well. From the 2nd half of 20th century girls became interested to go to school but the picture of class discrimination in the field of female education is still noticed. In 21st century we are still facing numerous problems and chilm marriage is the noteworthyone.

The first girls' school in Bangladesh was probably Rampur Boalia Girls' School established in Rajshahi in 1868 as a Parthsala (lower primary school) by Reverend Biharilal Singh under the supervision of English Presbyterian Mission. Another view holds that St Francis Xavier's Girls' High School, Dacca was the first school for girls in Bangladesh under the supervision of St Gregory's High School in 1882.
In April 1876 Bamabodhni magazine reported that government has taken two initiatives for development of female education - stipend for girl students and appointment of female school inspectors. Primarily stipend was granted for Bardwan, Presidency and Dhaka division as these three places attained notable development in female educaiton. Not doubt, stipend draws girls towards school. This practice is still followed.

Bangladesh has made praiseworthy progress in female education sector. On uniform or not, girls are going to school on foot or bicycle, is a common and encouraging sight in today's rural Bangladesh.  Girls' enrollment in secondary school level jumped from 39% in 1998 to 67 % in 2017. This is a result of several incentives, particularly the Female Secondary School Assistance Project which aimed at achieving gender equality. World Bank granted a second-generation stipend programme for the poorest children that benefited 2.3 million students, 55% of them are girls.

Despite better enrollment rate, educational outcome of girls is still inadequate as low and unequal levels of learning persist. BangBEIS data of 2017 shows that dropout rate of girls is high, 42 % at secondary level and completion rate is only 59%. How to explain such high female dropout rate? Child marriage, household responsibilities, continuous pregnancy, lack of access to appropriate information about sexual and reproductive health, mental health issues and school based violence are some of the main reasons. In today's Bangladesh government and many other organisations are active in the field of female education but problems like communication, wash room, sexual harassment etc continue.

However, efforts to overcome these problems are also going on. A key feature of Secondary Education Development Programme is the Adolescent Girls' Programme which aims at improving retention of girls in secondary schools through a joint initiative between Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. This school based programme will address menstrual management, ensuring separate sanitation facilities for girls and providing cash incentive to female students for attending school regularly.
Standing in 2020 it is simply impossible to realise the dreadfully superstitious Bengalee society of 19th century. Begum Rokeya followed the footprint of Vidyasagar. After 200 years of Vidyasagar's birth many visible developments have been achieved in the field of female education but security of women in society is a continuous problem. 200 years is not so long a time to understand the prudence of Vidyasagar. 1921
The writer is a former Commissioner of Taxes

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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