Sunday | 12 January 2025 | Reg No- 06
Sunday | 12 January 2025 | Epaper

Cries of Morning Dewdrops

Published : Saturday, 5 December, 2020 at 12:00 AM  Count : 654

Afloat on the waves of wintry chill,
Vapour condensed in small drops makes morning Dews.

With nocturnal radiation cooled,
Dews set their mellow foot on the leaves and foliage;
And embrace the tips of the tender grasses
And meadows with gentle touch.

With the wonders of nature's splendour,
Dews are set to flaunt their charm and romance yonder;
At the break of dawn when the lazy slumber fast wavers.

At the first ray of sunshine embracing with tender care,
Dews unveil their faces en masse,
Like silvery attired new brides in shy;
And glisten like pieces of diamond,
Mounted in miniscule atop the tip of young grasses.

Grandeur of their beauty permeating aura and exalt live asunder,
When nature rises after a long frosty slumber.
First ray of sunshine creates magical prism on their silvery face,
To contain poetic human mind in waltzing wave.

Jugglery of ephemeral love & romance of sweetie sunshine
For the Dews, deceivingly wanes fast with the pace of sun's journey
Ploughing the bosom of sky westbound in all wanton rage and fury.

Dews in all softness slowly dwindle
And reduce to drop of rolling tears in deep sombre,
As the rage & fury of the sunshine
Evaporates sweet smiles of the Dews,
Swiftly turn into their long whimpers in fear.

Dews wish to live long atop young grasses and meadows in fresh air
But the cruelty of the blazing sun let them not live long fair,
'Cause the humans are hungry for sunshine for their pleasant days many more.

With excruciating pains of the blaze and melancholy cries,
Dews' all struggles to lingering smiles go in vain;
Fall they finally on the lap of the goddess of death with closing eyes.
And sink into the deluge of eternity heaving a long sigh.

Nature sings elegy for prematurely dying dews in sombre
With humans remaining in deep apathy and deaf ears yonder;
'Cause humans' craving for more sunshine and a longer day is unbound.

Dews re-incarnate after long hours,
In the void and darkness of chilly nights;
With equal beauty and splendour;
Amidst chirping of crickets in myriad silence abound;

Dews are born in haze and die fast in bright sunshine
And re-born in glory the next morning; is the magic spellbind;
That the nature plays in exquisite rhymes;
From time immemorial round and round in the chilly winter time.

Men of mind with poetic hues
Savours the Dews' game of sublime beauty,
With cries of morning dewdrops in deep agony;
Resonate ever in the arbour of nature's cacophony afar.

The poet is a former Civil Servant

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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