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Covid-19 and the pace of unpredictable changes

Published : Friday, 5 March, 2021 at 12:00 AM  Count : 1047
This universe, especially our globe is ever-changing. We are yet to know whether there has been any existence of life in any other planets, solar systems, or galaxies of this universe which is expanding gradually spreading over millions of light-years. And perhaps because of that the pace of changes, other than materialistic, is very much slow there. Only the intelligent living creatures can bring remarkable changes of both materialistic as well as abstract to any place or circumstances.    

Since the very beginning of human civilization, the struggle for power, wealth, supremacy, and dominion has been prevailing on this planet. Every civilization and superpower of modern days would try to uphold their dominion over others forever. Any significant or remarkable changes took a long time to happen during the ancient period. One civilization or power would rule over hundreds of years. The Greek, Roman and Persian Civilisations reigned over a significant portion of the world over hundreds of years.

But due to the Corona pandemic, the pace of changes has become faster than ever taking a new dimension in this fastest changing world. No forecast, research, trend analysis can even imagine what is going to happen within the next couple of years or even months. Most of the western developed countries have been severely affected by the Corona pandemic.

Hundreds of thousands of people have been dying there since the beginning of last year and the growth of GDP has drastically fallen as a result. On the other hand, this is very much surprising that Covid -19 has brought some unprecedented positive changes to some countries. Those changes are becoming visible in the field of economy, human behaviour, consumption pattern, lifestyle, and so on.

A recent study shows that China will surpass the USA in terms of GDP by 2028 which is almost 5 years earlier than was expected. This has happened due to the Corona pandemic. China has been able to combat the Corona pandemic successfully which was started in that county and spread all over the world. Europe and America have been affected severely that has brought a huge and unprecedented collapse in their business, industrial production, employment, purchasing power, consumption pattern and overall lifestyle. And this is going to be a huge breakthrough for China to topple down the USA from the top position of the world economy.

In this highly unpredictable world -various natural calamities, pandemics might act as a catalyst in accelerating the pace of substantial changes in the supremacy over the economy, military power and control over the natural resources of the world. Control over the market, natural resources rather than a territory is the key to corporate colonialism. World superpowers are trying to uphold their supremacy forever. But this Corona pandemic has shown us precisely that the supremacy might seem very much enduring, but that might be shifted within the very unprecedented and unpredictable shortest period.

In the western consumerist, rich society people have been living luxurious life for long. Their food habits, consumption patterns apparently might seem healthy and not so detrimental for health. But in reality, Covid 19 has reduced that assumption into a nightmare as we are witnessing hundreds of people are dying every day. On the other hand, in underdeveloped and developing countries, the scenario is the opposite. Despite poverty, malnutrition, poor and insufficient healthcare facilities the mortality rate due to Covid 19 is surprisingly very low there.

The reason might be both material and abstract. From the materialistic point of view, the reason might be the increasing number of aged people living mostly in the old home are very much vulnerable to the infection of Covid -19. Therefore, despite proper  treatment, the rate of fatality is increasing day by day.

If we consider the reason from the abstract point of view the reason might be very much exceptional and many people might not concur with me. It has been scientifically proven that mental health is very much crucial for sound physical health. Sound mental health for a human being depends on happy family ties, regular communication with the relatives, good bondage and relationship with the sons and daughters, no scope of loneliness, good neighbourhood, sound environment and many more. But in the case of western developed society, the existence of those elements is becoming rare. Nuclear family or no family, single mother, teenage mother, premarital and extramarital relationship, sexual immoralities are appearing as a new shape of the epidemic which is more infectious than Covid-19.

If we look into the world history during the last 1000 years, we would find that there had been some huge changes which were very much unpredictable, unprecedented, and above all inevitable. No mighty person, society and nation had been able to take control over those changes even though they were well aware of the severe consequences that were going to happen against their interests or even existence.

So, all mankind should adapt themselves with a mindset that the pace of changes is very much faster in today's world. Any mighty power could be toppled down overnight from the present status. Above all the vulnerability of human civilization is also increasing very fast.

The fall and rise of civilizations, colonial powers and nations is a natural phenomenon of the globe. Such type of change and shifting of power sometimes come overnight and sometimes take ages to come into being. Misconducts, reckless use of natural resources, creating a severe imbalance in the ecosystem, man-made disastrous environmental pollution, wrong decisions, lack of foresightedness, oppression, fascism, cruelty and many other humanitarian follies and vices of some personalities, society or group of people lead to various natural calamities, pandemics, epidemics and make the pace of positive or negative changes incredibly very fast.
The writer is a banker
and column writer

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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