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Exclusive interview of Kosovo Deputy Foreign Minister His Excellency Kreshnik Ahmeti

Published : Sunday, 5 June, 2022 at 12:00 AM  Count : 1267
The Kosovo deputy foreign minister's interview comes at a critical time as the Russian invasion of Ukraine keeps massively transforming security, peace and geopolitical stability of Europe. The world is markedly divided over the war while altering the existing order. However, located at the heart of the Balkans, the small, peaceful and the new nation Republic of Kosovo is marching ahead with its own dreams and ambitions. Bangladesh was the 114th state to have diplomatically recognised Republic of Kosovo on 27 February, 2017. Since then the two countries are steadily tying bonds of friendship and mutual cooperation. Ranging from the country's wider diplomatic recognitions, foreign policy, economy, politics to regional and wider impacts of the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war and other issues - His Excellency Kreshnik Ahmeti shares his detailed, informative and insightful opinions. The interview has been conducted by our Assistant Editor, Shahriar Feroze.

Daily Observer: His Excellency Ahmeti would you present us with an overall understanding of Republic of Kosovo's
Kosovo Deputy Foreign Minister Kreshnik Ahmeti

Kosovo Deputy Foreign Minister Kreshnik Ahmeti

diplomatic recognition?

Kreshnik Ahmeti: After a long period of oppression from Serbia, which culminated with a genocidal aggression of the Serbian military, police and paramilitary units in Kosova, during the violent dissolution of former Yugoslavia, the Republic of Kosova declared its independence on the 17th of February 2008.

Through the United Nations General Assembly, Serbia has challenged the legitimacy of our independence in the International Court of Justice (ICJ.) In July 2010, ICJ gave the opinion that the declaration of independence did not violate international law and the Resolution 1244 of the UN's Security Council.

Today, the Republic of Kosova has established diplomatic relations with the majority of the states in the world and is actively engaged on the multilateral dimension of the international relations.

 D O: How would you explain your country's foreign policy?

Kreshnik Ahmeti: The Republic of Kosova is a democratic country, with free media and exemplary minority rights. Our population is relatively young and our economy is growing in an unprecedented way (10.53% annual GDP growth in 2021.)

Our foreign policy is based on universal values of human rights and with respect to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states. Thus, there is consensus domestically on the positions that we should take on the international relations. For example, on the 24th of February, when the Russian Federation continued their military aggression in Ukraine, our state leaders stated that the Republic of Kosovo supports Ukrainian independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, and is ready to help the Ukrainian people, and this stance had the support of the opposition parties too. We also endorsed all the sanction packages of the United States (US) and the European Union (EU) against the Russian Federation and Belarus.  

D O: What is your opinion on the widely prevailing perception of 'unilateral character of Kosovo's declaration' among some countries reluctant to formally recognize Kosovo?

Kreshnik Ahmeti: There has been a campaign of disinformation from Serbia regarding our independence. The important fact to mention is that our independence did not violate international law or the Resolution 1244, and this was stated by the ICJ, when Serbia challenged them with the question.

The independence of the Republic of Kosovo is not a case that could be taken as a precedent, because the historical context was a special one. Out of the violent dissolution of Yugoslavia, a number of states were created, and the Republic of Kosovo is one of them.

D O: Against the backdrop of the ongoing Ukraine War in Europe, how would you evaluate the state of democracy within the independent Balkan states?

Kreshnik Ahmeti: Under the shadow of the Russian aggression in Ukraine, a fact that was already known to us came out openly: Serbia is not a democratic country and is fully aligned with Putin's regime. All the states in the South-eastern Europe have sanctioned the Russian Federation, while the only country not to do so is Serbia. On the contrary, they've made themselves as a door through which Russia can escape the sanctions. For example, over 300 Russian businesses have been established in Serbia since the 24th of February. Also, while all the European countries have prohibited flights from Russia, Serbia has increased them. Recently, when European Union agreed to sanction gas and oil imports from Russia, Serbia's President had a phone call with Putin in which they made a new deal to import Russian gas in Serbia.

D O: How is the war affecting Kosovo and its neighbouring countries, in terms of political and security perspectives?

Kreshnik Ahmeti: The Republic of Kosovo has not only taken measures to sanction the Russian Federation and Belarus, but it has also taken steps to help Ukrainian citizens. We have temporary lifted the visa regime for them; we will host 20 Ukrainian journalists with their families and create the necessary conditions for them to work from Kosovo; we have offered free University English programs for Ukrainian refugees; and we are committed to hosting 5000 Ukrainians in Kosovo.

While we took these measures, with consensus all over the political board in Kosovo, we were also concerned with Serbia's hegemonic project of the "Serbian World", which aims to bring all the Serbs in the region within one country and is openly endorsed by the Government of Serbia.

On November 2021, Vucic met Putin in Sochi and after the meeting he declared that he showed Putin the map of the north of the Republic of Kosovo. This happened while Serbia has 42 Forward Operational Bases of its army in the border with us, and Russia has an intelligence base in Serbia, close to the border with the Republic of Kosovo.  

After the 24th of February we had several attacks on our policemen in the north of the Republic of Kosovo, some of them even coming from the territory of Serbia.

Serbia, as a proxy of Putin, is a factor of instability and a risk to peace in the region.

Defence and Security issues have suddenly come under the priority list for most European countries, what steps have Kosovo taken so far?

Our Government is investing in defence capabilities of the Kosovo Security Forces (KSF.) KSF has close cooperation with NATO and the US army. We have participated and been one of the hosts of the recent Europe Defender '21 NATO exercises. Also, we are co-deploying our soldiers with the US army, as is the case in Kuwait.

The Republic of Kosovo is building its defence and security capacities and is also contributing to peace in the world.

D O: How would you explain Republic of Kosovo's relations and future plans with NATO and the EU?

Kreshnik Ahmeti: As I mentioned, we have close cooperation with NATO and there is a consensus in our society that we should be part of NATO. Such a move does not only help the stability of the Republic of Kosovo, it also helps the stability in the region. We are working intensively towards having the Partnership for Peace agreement with NATO and then of becoming a full member of the Alliance.

We also have multi-layered intensive relations with the EU. The Republic of Kosovo is a country that endorses and works within the umbrella of the European Union's values. As we are progressing in a number of fields, such as being the most democratic country in the region, our plans are to apply for European Union membership this year.

D O: What is the current state of Kosovo Economy? And how do you plan to give a boost to the national economy by opening up new avenues of trade and commerce with the rest of the world?

Kreshnik Ahmeti: The Republic of Kosovo's economy has experienced unprecedented growth of 10.53% last year, the exports of goods and services have increased by 88.3%, foreign direct investments have increased by 22%, and state revenues have increased by 30% without changing the fiscal policy.

This shows that there is optimism in our economy, which means that people spend more and more public and private investments are possible.

We have an open economy and have close trade relations not only with the states in our region and the European continent, but also with economies from others continents, the biggest partner being the United States.

D O: In the post-pandemic world (Supposedly), how would you describe Kosovo's geographical and strategic importance?

Kreshnik Ahmeti: With the disruption of the world's supply chain network because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Kosovo is identified as a great opportunity for production and also as distribution hub for Europe and beyond.

Kosovo is located at the heart of the South-eastern Europe, and is well connected by highways, railways, airports and close-by ports.

Our population is relatively young, with the average age of 30, and is highly educated in our educational system and also in international institution. Thus, they also speak a number of foreign languages.

These are only some of the factors that give Kosovo high geographical and strategic importance.

D O: Within your professional and non - professional capacities, how do you plan to place The Republic of Kosovo in the world map?

Kreshnik Ahmeti: The Republic of Kosovo has a lot to share with the world, and not only politically and economically. Our Government is actively engaged to create bridges between people, since we believe that our work has to have the citizens as the end beneficiaries. Regardless of formal relations, we have established such bridges with most countries in the world and look forward to do the same with the others.

The successes of our artists, such as Dua Lipa, sportswomen and sportsmen, such as Majlinda Kelmendi, have already put the Republic of Kosovo on the world map.

D O: What message would you deliver for the Daily Observer's readership in Bangladesh?

Kreshnik Ahmeti: I suggest your readers to be very optimistic about the future of Bangladesh and the relations between our two countries. Bangladesh has had one of the highest annual averages of economic growth in the world over the past decade.  With this trend of development, Bangladesh will be more prosperous in every passing day.

I suggest you to follow the friendship vision of the Father of Your Nation Sheikh Mujibur Rahman described in his words, `friendship to all, malice towards none`.   Bangladesh is a peaceful nation and is one of the largest contributors to UN peacekeeping operations, ensuring the security of others. Your peacekeepers had served in my country too. Kosovo is always grateful and will never forget it.  Don`t forget that when you offer a hand of friendship, others will offer you a hand of friendship as well.

Our State-level relations with Bangladesh are quite new. Our two countries established diplomatic relations in 2018. Considering the potential and willpower of our two countries and people, I can assure you that a very good future awaits us in our relations.

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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