Leadership in various countries of the world is constantly being passed to the hands of the incompetent, greedy, corrupt and terrorists. Once they can hold on to power, they try to grasp it for good. They apply all kinds of tricks to stay in power forever. That is why they bring changes in laws if needed, even amend the constitution to legitimize their evil plan. At present, such symptoms have become evident in many countries of the world and their number is increasing day by day.
Once upon a time, colonial dictators existed in the world to occupy land and plunder all the resources of that land. As the people gradually became educated, aware and self-reliant, it became difficult for the colonial dictators to maintain their power. In this way, the British Empire, which was supposed to never set, was forced to fold itself completely. Even now they are struggling to hold on to their own kingdoms of Scotland and Ireland. But whatever the reality, the colonial rulers are still trying to retain their legacy in another new format and its name is 'Corporate Colonialism'. The horrors of this corporate colonialism are in no way diminished. Their main target is to bring the market economy of this consumerist society and the local so-called treacherous capitalist businessmen and some intellectuals under their complete control. They are also creating anger, frustration and social inequality among people by establishing direct and indirect control over local natural resources is the implementation of a new format of 'divide and rule' policy.
The powerful countries of the world want to maintain their dominance forever. For that purpose, when they themselves cannot rise to strength, they try to overcome an opposing country or alliance by forming various types of counteralliances with their like-minded people. It can be through the threat of arms or the imposition of various financial and social sanctions. And thus, pent-up anger is created in the affected countries, and as a result, dictatorial dictators are born. For example,we can mention the name of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QSD), commonly known as the 'Quad' which was formed in 2007 and re-established in 2017 consisting of Australia, India, Japan and the United States recently declared a joint statement with a spirit to curb China's influence in the South China Sea and Southeast Asia. As a result, we can get some long-term consequences of the situation from the reaction from China.
On the other hand, when the United States and many countries of the European Union have been desperately trying to prevent the resurgence of Russia through the inclusion of Ukraine in NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) as part of the expansion of the NATO alliance, Russia has chosen the path of military aggression there to teach Ukraine a lesson. As a result of which the Third World War and the threat of nuclear war have been created.
In today's world, the relations between nuclear power Pakistan and India are at the bottom. India is ruled by the extremist religious organization BJP, whose religious fanaticism is spreading through various branches, while in Pakistan, an apparently civilian and elected government is in power, but a lot depends on the powerful military and their whims and fancies. The enmity between the people of these two countries is overwhelming. On the other hand, since the beginning of the 21st century, fierce nationalism and religious extremism have emerged all over the world from various types of deprivation, oppression, and competition to maintain prestige.As a result of which we see various types of ethnic riots in different parts of the world, which in many cases have turned into permanent civil wars.
Rich countries want to keep developing countries under pressure so that they cannot become economically and politically independent. That is why they resort to various tactics. The big countries do not hesitate to take any brutal measures to prevent separatist movements in the deprived and poverty-stricken provinces from beingencouraged by the phenomenal economic development of small independent countries.
Recently a missile capable of carrying nuclear weapons was accidentally fired from India toward Pakistan. The incident may have happened accidentally but experts from both India and Pakistan have been bound to admit that the consequences could have been extremely devastating. Although the incident was said to be an accident, launching such missiles has to go through a long chain of command and complex process where various passwords are used. It is not like someone flicked a switch and the missile was launched. And that is why the matter is so mysterious and serious. But whatever the reality, no one can guarantee that such incidents will not happen again in the future.
A US military and sociologist's prediction about the horrors of a possible nuclear war between India and Pakistan should be taken very seriously by the world. Who can guarantee that the dispute between these two countries over Kashmir will not end up in a nuclear war? According to him, billions of people will lose their lives in a nuclear war between these two countries and all other nuclear power countries will destroy all their nuclear weapons stockpiles after seeing its horrors.
A recent study has shown that a limited nuclear war between India and Pakistan could contribute to global famine and global warming. It could also cause the death of millions of people. The main reasons for a possible nuclear war between India and Pakistan are border disputes, the Kashmir issue, water sharing dispute and terrorist activities.
Recklessly exploiting natural fisheries resources, powerful nations are desperate to establish absolute control over international waters. Situations such as the establishment of China's artificial islands in the South China Sea and the establishment of control in the neighboring countries in the name of development in other countries in the world, such as trapping poor countries in long-term debt, are leading the whole world to a world war. So all conscientious people against war must unite now. Mass public opinion against war should be developed. To realize that goal, the general public should be more visionary in the election of their leaders or representatives.
At present, due to the misuse of money, muscle power and information technology, the real reflection of public opinion has become very difficult, but all conspiracies must be prevented by creating strong and irresistible public opinion. If not, the scenario of World WarIII will be more visible and stronger. In many countries in Asia, Africa and Europe and even in America itself, we have witnessed extreme nationalist governments like Trump which could create an atmosphere of fierce war at any time. The relationship between Iran, Israel and Palestine in the Middle East like India and Pakistan may be termed a ticking time bomb. Iran continues to strive to become a nuclear power. Israel, on the other hand, is ready to take any kind of risky action to deter Iran and keep Iran in a relatively weak position. Such an extremely explosive situation can lead to a nuclear war at any time.
So, all the sane people of the world have to stand up against war and the nuclear arms race by building public opinion and the United Nations can play an important role in this. Above all, the political leaders and policymakers who have control over all the weapons of mass destruction must be more tolerant, visionary and pacifist. Especially the conscientious people of the world, various international human rights organizations can play a vocal role in this regard and if we all do not come forward, our precious world can become a slaughterhouse at any time. Because if even a small fraction of the nuclear weapons stockpile possessed by the powerful countries is used, the world will truly become a slaughterhouse. Then no one will be safe from this danger. Let us all come forward so that we can save our beautiful planet from turning into a Death Valley. The writer is banker & freelance column writer