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Our education systems should be based on research

Published : Wednesday, 11 October, 2023 at 12:00 AM  Count : 489
There is not a single student who has yet to hear the name of research in the life of the university. To finish this lesson, students must work on various articles, theses, and papers. But at the end of the day, why university ranking is not increasing? What does research mean? Do you know that? Research is systematic and creative work to improve one's knowledge. You are solving a problem or inventing something new. Research is the intellectual process of systematically collecting and accurately interpreting or analyzing data in a planned and organized manner to find an acceptable solution to a problem. Mary E. Macdonald defines research as a 'Research may be defined as systematic investigation intended to add to available knowledge in a form that is communicable and verifiable'. Research helps you to pursue your interests, learn something new, sharpen your problem-solving skills, and push yourself in new directions.

However, from the experience of the developed world, historical knowledge and research are undeniable prerequisites for knowing the country, understanding the country's history and problems, and adopting a proper plan. Our education system should be based on research because the boys and girls of our country study for jobs. In other countries, boys and girls learn to become founders. Between which there is a spread difference. So before knowing why research is essential, let's see the history of research. Although the history of research is not available information, I try to give some research information.

The word 'Research' means 'inquiry of light'. What does light search mean? Why is it said to search for light? 'Research' really suggests the light spoken of here with the light of truth, facts, and reason. That is, research is finding truth through data or information and reasoning. The main task of research is always to remove the falsehood and accept the facts.

According to Open University, the first Journal in the world was 'des s�avans'. The first issue appeared on January 5th, 1665, while the first issue of Philosophical Transactions appeared 60 days later. According to some scholars, research dates back to prehistoric times when people searched and found new things. Even before going hunting, they would draw various items on the wall. Scholars believe that this is where the voyage of research began. However, it grew more prevalent later on.

Why needs research? Research is necessary for society to solve problems. Research to remove prejudiced culture and disadvantages, and suggest using minimum input to maximum output. Every day, science tries to find out new knowledge and ideas. Research helps us by creating knowledge, knowing the unknown, curing and preventing problems, adjusting to society and technology, better discernment, credibility, forecasting, and inventing new science.

According to Scimago Journal and Country Ranking, the United States holds the first position in the research sector with a total of 15188630 documents; 2nd position in China with a total of 9239029 documents; 3rd is the United Kingdom with a capacity of 4502915 documents; and 4th in Germany with a total of 3873344 papers. But our country is ranked 61 number, with a total of documents only 93329. Even Nigeria, which country was independent in 1960 year. This country has a capacity of 153532 documents. The exact time was the United Arab Emirates independence in 1970. This country has a total of 103848 papers.

Who is currently controlling the world? Those who are first in research ranking or ahead in technology. Today, all the world's countries are bound by the Western or China-Russia chains because they rule the world. The more advanced the research, the faster the development. Most of the students and teachers of the university in Bangladesh are busy with their politics and positions. We have to move out of these places. Because today, it is impossible to move forward without the young generation. Because today young generation in future they will become a leader. So, it is impossible to improve the quality of education without research. The unknown can be discovered through inquiry, and the impossible made possible. We should put more emphasis on research. Research is as crucial as hands-on instruction.

Many excellent professor-researchers in Bangladesh lose interest in their work due to a lack of financial incentives, appraisal, and security or independence. Research is the only way to prepare the current generation for the fourth industrial revolution. New information and ideas will emerge through research, and research-based solutions will emerge to meet existing societal problems; in each situation, a survival strategy based on research findings will be chosen. The research will also indicate what kind of scenario the country and the people of the world are in.

Without research, we will be ignorant and unconscious. We will not understand and will not move forward. Without research, we cannot say today that we are getting closer to curing cancer. Little did we know that, even though bees are not our favorite, the honey they make is good for us. A few years ago, Thomas Edison lit the world by making electric lights. Without research, we probably wouldn't have survived this long. Millions of things are yet to be discovered: cures for diseases, exploring water, and discovering species. All these are possible through research.

One of the problems of the Fourth Industrial Revolution was acting quickly. Failure to take the proper moves at the right time can make survival in the global market challenging. As a result, poor countries such as Bangladesh should prioritize research. The world is evolving faster than ever before. As a result, education received at one moment becomes obsolete within a few years. Old talents are becoming obsolete in the modern world. In this circumstance, ongoing research is critical for all societal sectors' balanced and interconnected growth.

The writer is a student at the Department of Public Administration, Comilla University

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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