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Thursday | 16 January 2025 | Epaper

Tales of 3 legendary women in our history

Published : Friday, 8 March, 2024 at 12:00 AM  Count : 448
So I want to say that Sahara Khatun, Sheikh Fazilatun Nesa Mujib and Sheikh Hasina are among the 3 great personalities in the world. Some of them are the 1st craftsman of Bangabandhu, some are the 2nd craftsman and the honourable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is the final craftsman to complete his unfinished work. The three women are symbols of great ideal in the heart of Bangladesh. The three great women played significant role in creating the history of Bangladesh. They are like diamond.

International Womens Day will be observed across the world today (March 8). On the occasion, I would like to mention about the great contributions of Bangladeshs three epoch-making women in creating the countrys history.     

After nearly 24 years of research, I understood that women played significant role in making men famous. Here, an example can be given that  Bangabandhus mother made the first contribution to enroll her son in the list of the worlds greatest people. Secondly, the contribution of Bangabandhus wife is noteworthy. She is the national mother of Bangladesh, that is to say,  mother of the nation. Sheikh Fazilatun Nesa Mujib gave her husband full support in a genuine and daring manner. Fazilatun Nesa did not care about her personal luxury, entertainment and happiness of life.
It is as clear as water. So she smilingly allowed her husband to work for peoples welfare on an urgent basis. She never put any pressure about family responsibilities. She did not create trouble, rather made sacrifice, which helped her husband to become Bangabandhu and father of the nation. Therefore, she never expressed dissatisfaction or anger with her husband. Out of gratitude, she thanked her husband with the light of wisdom and meditation. It proved that how much a wife sacrificed for her husband.

Bangabandhus mother was ready to give her life for the development of her son to make him a world leader. In this way, his mother Sheikh Sahara Khatun could have used his son to earn money and amass wealth. But instead of doing it, she gave more encouragement to stand by the oppressed people and work for the welfare of the country and the nation. In fact, Bangabandhu was educated by his mother from childhood. It is a blessing to be made humanitarian by the teachings of his mother.

Therefore, his mother Sahara completely of her own will gave her son the scope to work for the fight of mother tongue, the motherland and people of the country. In a bid to improve his condition, Shahara selected a suitable woman for marriage with her son. Her daughter-in-law became Fajilatun Nesa Mujib by properly helping  Mujib, being inspired and educated by her mother-in-law.

It is a great education and initiation, and imitating the mother-in-law resulted in a great harvest. Women of the world should learn from here that if blessed by the mother-in-law, a wife can be blessed in life. It is possible for son and sons wife  to become great if they work for people. The mother-in-law cherished the welfare of the son as well as the daughter-in-law.

So if a son relies on his mother regarding his marriage, the mother can play a responsible role for finding his wife.

Therefore, by the grace of Almighty Allah, Mujib was lucky to get a virtuous wife because of his mother. It was definitely a good news for the country at that time. Otherwise, Mujib could not have dedicated  himself completely to protect the interests of the country and its people.

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib was able to think and dream about the future of the country due to contribution (motivation and inspiration) of his mother and wife. Mother Sahara Khatun and wife Fazilatun Nesa from behind the scene gave motivation and inspiration to Mujib to work for the country, which made him the father of the nation and Bangabandhu.

And his daughter Sheikh Hasina has become a statesman and national leader. Sheikh Hasina, daughter of Bangabandhu, has been the Honorable Prime Minister for a total 5 times, and has been the Prime Minister for 4 consecutive terms.

So I want to say that Sahara Khatun, Sheikh Fazilatun Nesa Mujib and Sheikh Hasina are among the 3 great personalities in the world. Some of them are the 1st craftsman of Bangabandhu, some are the 2nd craftsman and the honourable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is the final craftsman to complete his unfinished work.

The three women are symbols of great ideal in the heart of Bangladesh. The three great women played significant role in creating the history of Bangladesh. They are like diamond.

Their contribution in Bangladesh is unmatched. I would like to pay my respects to the memories of the two who have already passed away. May the Almighty Allah grant them heaven. Also I wish long life to 5 times Honourble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

On the occasion of International Womens Day, my literary and cultural research- 2024 says that the three successful women are still spreading the fragrance of flowers and the glory of the moon among people.

The writer is an eminent poet and journalist

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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