Wednesday | 15 January 2025 | Reg No- 06
Wednesday | 15 January 2025 | Epaper

The Middle Eastern Crisis

Published : Saturday, 13 July, 2024 at 12:00 AM  Count : 402
Presently the Middle Eastern crisis has become a subject of concern in our day to day life. The merciless killing of unarmed civilian and children and the inhuman suffering of the Palestine Muslim community cannot be justified with any arguments. Till to  date near about 36,000 innocent people including woman and children has been killed by the Israeli defence forces and unaccounted has been wounded. Thousands of Muslim population has been displaced and migrated to the nearby countries. Regularly the killing is continuing by the Israeli defence forces and peoples are moving out of their houses for individual safety leaving everything behind. Food, water and shelter crisis is beyond imagination. World power is observing the genocide and someone  also trying to justify the Israeli actions. Palestinian Hamas action is also been criticized and condemned by some concern.

The Middle Eastern region is known as the Arab States of West Asia and North  Africa. It is a combination of different nations with mainly desert cultures. Arabic language is widely spoken. Farsi and Hebrew are also spoken by some nationals. Most of the countries practices Islam as a religion. The Middle East was the part of the Roman, Mongolian and the Ottoman Empire for centuries. After the World War I Middle Eastern countries became the part of British protectorate. During and after the World War II, the Middle East has been a strategic factor for the western world. Presently the complex geo-political situation has combined with securing of energy resources and domination on the trading route to Asia Pacific.
The growing instability in the Middle Eastern region having a higher degree of complexity and the conflicts are affecting the countries as a whole. The exploitation of the ethnic identities, the expansion of Jewish community and the influence of US domination in the region has created more rivalry and mistrust among the nations. The conflicts between Syria, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Libya have complicated the relations between the Gulf oil monarchies.

Historically the family of Moges came and settled in Palestine before Millennium BC. Abraham descendent was divided in 12 communities. In the different period  the Jewish people migrated to Roman Europe from Israel, Anatolia, Babylon and Alexandria for economic hardship during 4th to the 1st centuries BCE. An estimated  of 7 million Jews population became a significant part of the Roman Empires in the first century CE. The Jews lived in Rome for over 2,000 years and mostly accepted into the Roman Empire.

With the rising Christianity in Europe, the Zionist culture largely contradicted with the Christian society and culture. Multiple restrictions grew on the Jewish community in the European countries. To contain the rivalry the Jewish communities were largely sent to the various Roman provinces in the Middle East, Europe and North Africa.

The Jewish community became an immigrant nation with the Zionistic ideology. In  the 19th century Jewish nationalist movement ionism started in Europe and the Jewish community started demanding for a safe home land for the communities. In the 19th century almost 99.7% of the Jews population was living outside the Arab region. During this period the Muslim population living in Palestine was 403,795 (85.5%),
Christian population was 43,659 (9.2%), Local born Jewish population was 15,000 (3.2%) and Foreign born Jewish population was 10,000 (2.1%).

The Jewish migration started in the Palestine during 1839 on Tanzimat reforms in the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman rulers started modernization of their administrative system and were also trying to consolidate the socio-political foundation of the Empire. The non-Muslims populations also included Turkish, Greek, American, Jewish, Kurd and Arabs. The reform was known as "Ottmanism". During the Ottoman Empire near about 70,000 Jews migrated to Palestine from Russia within 1903. Due to anti Jewish sentiment in France, 40,000 Jews migrated to other European countries during 1904 to 1914.

The Jews community started moving to Palestine from all over the world. The rising  of Jewish community became significant within a short period or  time.

During the World War I there were Jewish volunteer battalions in the British Army.  To get the support of the Jewish Diaspora, the British Government declared a policy for a national home land for the Jewish people in Palestine if the Ottoman Empire is
defeated. This British announcement is known as the "Balfour Declaration of 1917". At the same period the British Government also agreed to "Honor the Arab Independence" if the Arabs revolts against the Ottoman Empire. After the fall of Ottoman Empire the British did not honor the commitment towards the Arabs. It came as an act of betrayal towards the Arab community. After the World War I, "The League of Nations" allowed a mandate to Britain for the "Mandatory Palestine" from 1920 to 1948. The Mandatory Palestine was a geopolitical entity in the "Region of Palestine" under specific terms of the League of Nations. The mandate was design to improve social, political and economical development for self governess of the Palestine region. (To be continued) 

The writer is a freedom fighter and a retired army officer. He is now the Chairman of Bangladesh Foundation for Regional Studies

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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