Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) on Monday imposed some restrictions on the Tazia processions, which will be brought out by the Shia Muslim community across the country on Wednesday.
On the occasion of the holy Ashura celebration next Wednesday, Tazia processions will be held at different times in different places of Dhaka metropolitan area, UNB reports.
The DMP has imposed the restrictions through a circular signed by its' Commissioner Habibur Rahman to ensure the smooth movement of the Tazia procession.
According to the notification, Tazia procession will be held at different times in different places in the city. During the Tazia procession, people belonging to the Paik community participate the programme with machetes, daggers, scissors, spears, axes, swords, sticks, etc., which may create an undesirable situation in the area. It is also a threat to public safety including creating panic and fear in the minds of religious and respectable city dwellers. Moreover, firecrackers and crackers are burst on the holy occasion of Ashura in the month of Muharram, which is not compatible with religious seriousness.
In order to ensure the safety of city dwellers, the DMP commissioner has announced a complete ban on carrying daggers, scissors, spears, axes, swords, sticks, etc. and bursting firecrackers and crackers.
This order will remain in force from the start of the Tazia procession till the end.
The Tazia is set up inside azakhana, commonly known as imambara, which is a temporary area made specially for Muharram. The Muslim community members accompany the tazia in a procession with drums and chanting Ya Hussain. Tazia's arrival is a sign of the commencement of mourning.