Since the beginning of creation, time has ruled the modern world in a singular way. With the change of civilization, the methods of determining time have also evolved. Time is life's most precious and unique resource; it has no substitute. Time is inelastic, it decays, and it never accumulates. Once gone, it can never be replaced. Time passes quickly and waits for no one. Real success lies in the proper use of time. The present is a fleeting moment that quickly becomes the past. Each moment emerges from the future and, once it becomes the present, is lost forever in the abyss of no return.
From the dawn of civilization, humanity has advanced by befriending time. While time itself has not been invented, our understanding of it has evolved. Humans first derived the concept of time from the regular cycle of day and night, which takes about 24 hours for the Earth to complete a full rotation on its axis. This period defines a day, during which one side of the Earth faces the sun, experiencing daylight, while the opposite side is in darkness. Ancient peoples viewed this regular change in nature as a time standard.
In antiquity, people tracked time using various natural phenomena. There was a time when one could gauge time simply by observing the sun's position. Over time, individuals began to keep time based on the sunrise and sunset, the full and new moons, and the changing seasons. Even the first mechanical clocks were based on the sun's position. Through various evolutions, the timekeeper-our clocks-was developed. A clock is an instrument that produces a sound or symbol at specific intervals, bringing precision to timekeeping.
Since ancient times, humans have recognized the importance of time and the need to measure it accurately. This is why scientists, astrologers, and community leaders have historically collaborated to establish accurate timekeeping methods. Civilizations like Ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome left behind artifacts and documents that reflect their sophisticated dating methods. The sundial, invented in ancient Egypt around 1500 BC, was a simple device that tracked time based on the path of sunlight. The water clock, developed in ancient Greece around 500 BC, allowed for a more convenient way to measure time by tracking the flow of water. With the advent of the Middle Ages, clocks were invented to accurately measure time. The most accurate and straightforward of these devices is the electric clock, which relies on electrical current. Since childhood, we have been accustomed to measuring one day as 24 hours, one hour as 60 minutes, and one minute as 60 seconds-an approach that dates back to around 1550 BC. During that era, ancient Egyptians were more advanced in knowledge, science, and technology than many other civilizations. They understood that the Earth revolved around the sun, observing the natural cycles of day and night.
Using these natural phenomena as a guide, they divided a day into two parts: 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night, totaling 24 hours. While the Egyptians based their calculations on 12, other civilizations used 10 as a base, and yet others utilized 60. This approach is evident in mathematics and astronomy, where a full circle is divided into 360 degrees.
The universe encompasses everything, including our Earth, the sun, the moon, planets, stars, and all matter and energy. Even the concept of time fits within this universe. According to the "Big Bang" theory, our universe began approximately 15 billion years ago. A significant event occurred, expanding a hot point with tiny mass into what we now know as the universe, which continues to expand over time.
Time is like a river; it flows from the past through the present to the future. From birth to death, we navigate this one-way stream. Every day, we experience 86,400 seconds of life, yet we often take this for granted. The proper use of time is essential. Those without goals tend to waste time, while purposeful individuals make the most of it. A person indifferent to time risks getting lost in its abyss.
Time is the most important aspect of human life. When we examine the lives of successful people, we find that they value time highly. No force on Earth can halt the movement of time. It is always moving at its own pace, never tired and needing no rest. Time is precious to everyone; thus, a proper evaluation of time is vital for all. Life is, ultimately, the sum of time, and wasting time can lead to failure.
The writer is Network Technician (ICT Cell), Jagannath University