A group of students at Jahangirnagar University on Tuesday seized at least 24 buses of Rajdhani Paribahan plying on the Dhaka-Aricha Highway over alleged misbehaviour and physical assault of four of their fellows by a staff member.
The altercation occurred when a group of students, travelling from Mirpur-2 to the JU campus, engaged in an altercation over the bus fare.
At one stage of the exchange of hot words, bus staff Md Hannan brought a stick and beat up Muaz who is an undergraduate student of the Finance and Banking Department, according to the university administration and the victims.
After hearing that the victims were JU students, a passenger identified as Tufan got involved in the scuffle. Three female students were reportedly subjected to verbal abuse while they approached in support of Muaz, the victims said.
After hearing about the assault incident, students assembled at 2:00pm and started seizing buses of the same company on the Dhaka-Aricha Highway near the university's main entrance and hauled as many as 24 buses of Rajdhani Paribahan.