CHATTOGRAM, Oct 17: Chattogram WASA will begin test operation of 60 MLD Bhandaljhuri Water Supply Project (BJWSP) next month.
The deadline for completion of the project has been extended to June 2025, said Engineer AKM Fazlullah Managing Director of Chattogram WASA .
"The production capacity of Chattogram WASA will increase to 560 million litres per day (MLD) with the completion of 60 MLD Bhandaljhuri water Supply Project,' he said.
Now, CWASA produces 500 million litres of water per Day.
The project includes transmission pipelines, distribution pipelines, Patiya Pump Station with elevated Tank and KEPZ Pump Station with reservoir.
on completion, the project will supply of 75 per cent of water to Chattogram south district areas, including Patiya, Anwara, Karnaphuli and Boalkhali upazilas.
Korean Exim Bank is providing soft loan from its Econonmic Development Cooperation Fund (EDCF).
CWASA extended 78,542 residential connections and 7,767 commercial connections.