Plastic pollution is one of the most pressing environmental challenges in the world today. In particular, single-use plastic (SUPs) products such as bottles, polythene, various packets (chips, biscuits, chocolates, etc.) and plastic bags are causing a huge amount of pollution in our environment. This pollution is having a detrimental effect on our biodiversity, human health, and marine resources. In this situation, the importance of building a circular economy by ensuring sustainable plastic management and plastic recycling is immense. In this era of technological advancement, App-based solutions can play an important role in reducing plastic pollution as well as creating a sustainable plastic circular economy.
Strategies to reduce plastic pollution through app-based technology - App-based technology can be used to make the process of plastic waste collection, classification, and recycling more efficient. Some apps can be created that guide users to deposit plastic waste at specific points and connect them with local waste collectors. For example, designated plastic deposit locations can be marked in the app in the form of a map, so that users can easily search for them.
Some apps can create a reward-based system, where users can earn points by depositing their used plastic at recycling centers. These points can later be converted into cash, discount coupons, or other benefits. This can encourage people to deposit plastic and reduce pollution.
Apps can provide information to users about environmentally friendly products and provide more sustainable alternatives to the plastic products they are using. For example, information can be provided about the benefits of using reusable bottles instead of plastic bottles.
Ensuring tracking of plastic waste at all stages, from its origin to reuse and recycling, is a key component of effective plastic waste management. An app-based tracking system can store information on waste source, quantity, and collection and recycling. This allows for easy tracking of plastic movements over time, enabling recyclers and manufacturers to make informed decisions. Under Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), manufacturers are also responsible for recycling their products after they are placed on the market. By creating an app-based EPR system, manufacturers can collect information about their product reuse and recycling activities and make informed decisions about the usability of their products.
Ensuring tracking of plastic waste at all stages, from its origin to reuse and recycling, is a key component of effective plastic waste management. An app-based tracking system can store information on waste source, quantity, and collection and recycling. This allows for easy tracking of plastic movements over time, enabling recyclers and manufacturers to make informed decisions. Under Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), manufacturers are also responsible for recycling their products after they are placed on the market.
Potential opportunities for establishing a sustainable plastic circular economy -Using apps-based technology, it is possible to simplify the collection, classification, and recycling of plastic waste. Through this, it is possible to increase the rate of plastic reuse and later these recycled plastic materials can be used as alternative raw materials for a sustainable economy.
Creating a sustainable chain for waste collection and recycling creates income opportunities for local waste collectors, recycling farms, and small business entrepreneurs. In addition, environmentally friendly products can be made locally from recycled plastic materials, which plays a supportive role in local economic development.
Investors and entrepreneurs may be interested in recycling, reuse, and manufacturing environmentally friendly products using sustainable plastic management technologies. Especially apps and technology-based business models related to plastic waste management and recycling will attract global and local investors.
Plastic recycling activities have the potential to reduce carbon emissions, which helps maintain environmental balance. If these activities are effectively managed through apps, it will be possible to reduce carbon footprint and achieve sustainable development goals.
App-based technology can play an important role in reducing plastic pollution and building a sustainable plastic circular economy for developing countries like Bangladesh. It helps to make waste management more effective and institutionalized and also ensures the participation of the general public. The use of app-based technology is therefore very promising in controlling plastic pollution and in economic development and environmental protection at the local level. Along with the government, the private sector and entrepreneurs should come forward and strengthen these app-based activities.
The writer is a Forest, Environment and Water Resources Management Expert, Technical Officer, Recycle Jar Ecosystem Limited