Chief Election Commi-ssioner (CEC) AMM Nasir Uddin on Tuesday said that the preparation for the Election Commission (EC) is underway to hold a national election within the timeframe set by Chief Adviser Prof Dr. Muhammad Yunus.
While talking to media in his office at the Nirbachon Bhaban in Agargaon, the CEC said that as part of the preparation, the commission will first prepare an accurate voter list.
But, they are not considering holding local government polls before the national parliamentary election, he mentioned.
"We started working on Day-1 for the national election. We are taking all the necessary preparations. We will be fully prepared to hold the election within timeframe set by the Chief Adviser," Nasir Uddin added.
In response to a query whether the EC would announce any election roadmap, he said, "The chief adviser has already announced a time frame. We will proceed accordingly. We are not considering announcing any roadmap publicly, but we will certainly have our own action plan for the work."
Earlier on Monday, Chief Adviser Prof Muhammad Yunus told the nation that the next general election can be held between the end of 2025 and the first half of 2026 after accomplishing necessary reforms.
"Broadly speaking, the election date can be set between the end of 2025 and the first half of 2026," he said while addressing the nation.
On Tuesday, Chief Adviser's Press Secretary Md. Shafiqul Alam also echoed the announcement of Prof Yunus, saying that the upcoming election would be held within June, 2026.
On this matter, the CEC further said, "We are starting with the voter list preparations. Having an accurate voter list is crucial for the election, and the chief adviser has also emphasised this."
"In two months, a fresh and final voter list will be available. After that, we will go door-to-door to collect information.
The election will be conducted based on the corrected list of voters after necessary verification," he said added.
Regarding local government polls, he said, "The chief adviser has indicated that the focus is on the national parliamentary election. He has not mentioned anything about local government elections."
"Our stakeholders, including political parties, have also been discussing the national election. They have spoken about transferring power from the interim government to an elected government. So, we are focusing on that and have no thoughts on other elections at this moment," Nasir Uddin said.