A court in Chandpur has placed Akash Mandal alias Irfan on seven-day remand in connection of his alleged involvement over the murder of seven staff members of the cargo ship MV-Al Bakhera in the Meghna River.
Chandpur Judicial Magistrate Muhammad Farhan Sadiq’s court granted the remand on Wednesday after investigating officer, Inspector Mohammad Kalam Khan of the Naval Police, presented Akash before the court and prayed for a 10-day remand. The court granted a 7-day remand.
Assistant Public Prosecutors (APP) Advocate Sharif Mahmud Sayem has acknowledged the matter.
Earlier, a team of RAB-11 have arrested Akash Mandal alias Irfan from Bagerhat's Chitolmari area on Tuesday night over the murders. Akash is another crew member of MV Al Bakhera. Hand gloves, bag, seven mobile phone sets and a jeans pant with blood were recovered from Akash.
On Tuesday night, Mahabub Morshed, owner of the ship, filed a case with the Haimchar Police Station against an unknown robbers gang. In the case, he named Akash Mandal, alias Irfan. The complaint also stated that the injured Jewel had mentioned Irfan was the ninth person on the ship.
Director of RAB’s Law and Media Wing, Lieutenant Colonel Munim Ferdous, claimed that Akash Mandal, frustrated by not receiving his salary and due to previous mistreatment, killed Golam Kibria, master of the ship, along with the rest of the crew. Irfan worked alongside the ship’s helmsman in the engine room.
River police recovered five bodies from fertiliser-carrying MV Al Bakhera at around 3PM on Monday and three people were rescued in critical condition. Later, two died at Chandpur general hospital.
Lone survivor Jewel Rana, 23, whose throat was slit, was transferred to Dhaka for better treatment.
The deceased were MV Al Bakhera master Kibria, cooik Rana Kazi, driver Salauddin, helmsman Aminul Munshi, greaser Sajibul Islam, crewmen Azizul Munshi and Majedul Islam.