A Jagannath University (JnU) student bus, Ulka-4, was attacked near the Mohakhali Bus Terminal, leaving at least seven people injured, including the driver, Jagadish. The assault occurred on Sunday when drivers and helpers from Ekota Transport launched the attack.
According to eyewitnesses, the JnU bus was blocked at the Mohakhali U-turn area by an Ekota bus that had been stationary for an extended period, obstructing the road. Despite repeated honks, the Ekota bus refused to move, leading to an altercation between the drivers of the two buses. The situation escalated when nearly fifty Ekota Transport staff attacked the JnU students and the bus with bricks, stones and sticks.
Mizanur Rahman Sohag, a Department of Mass Communication and Journalism student, recounted, "Our driver requested the Ekota bus to move, but instead, the Ekota driver struck him with a stick. When they tried to drag him away, we intervened, and they began attacking us too. Female students on the bus were also targeted, as they threw bricks and stones at them."
Jagadish, the driver of Ulka-4, described the incident in detail, "The Ekota bus was blocking the road ahead, with no vehicles in front of it. Despite our repeated requests, the vehicle did not move instead its driver and helper attacked us with sticks. Soon, other Ekota staff joined in, fracturing my hand and injuring me severely. They also struck my eye. I demand justice for this unprovoked attack."
JnU's Transport Administrator, Prof Dr Md Omar Faruk, expressed his concerns, stating, "Our driver, Jagadish, is critically injured. We are unsure if his eye can be saved. Several students have also sustained injuries. Such violent attacks on university buses, be it of JnU or any other institution, are completely unacceptable."
He further added, "The attackers fled the scene after the incident. However, representatives of Ekota Transport have come forward to discuss the matter and seek a solution. We are in talks to ensure that such incidents never happen again. A constructive solution will be reached soon."