Amid restriction and tight security due to December 26 fire incident, the officials and employees working at the Secretariat on Wednesday passed Wednesday, the first day of the New Year 2025, in a festive mood wearing colorful dresses, especially the women employees, and exchanging greetings with each other.
Most officials and employees including the advisers who entered the Secretariat on the day have enjoyed the day exchanging greetings and having sweetmeats at their offices.
But, the members of the law enforcement agencies have tightened their security measures inside and outside of the Secretariat.
Journalists, who are being allowed to enter the Secretariat with temporary passes after cancellation of their accreditation cards, have also faced some trouble on Wednesday as the list of the journalists has reached the gates after a delay. As a result, some journalists could not enter the Secretariat.
Only the cars carrying the Advisers and Secretaries of different ministries and divisions were allowed to enter the Secretariat complex due to the ongoing restriction after the fire incident at four floors of the building No 7. Rests of the officers entered the complex on foot from the gates after necessary checks.
Due to lower presence of the officers and employees, lacks of visitors and vehicles, the entire ground of the complex was seen almost vacant.