Detectives of Khulna Metropolitan Police (KMP) have arrested five accused, including a top listed criminal, from different parts of Dhaka.
KMP confirmed this on Thursday morning.
Md Nur Azim, 28, is a top listed and accused in over 50 cases, including killing, arms, drugs and others. Other cohorts of Azim are-- Md Riazul Islam alias Dada Mia, 35, Faisal Ahmed Dwip, 25, Mohammad Rana Talukdar, 29, and Nayeem alias Md Kamruzzaman Nayeem, 25.
A team of DB conducted drives at Gulshan, Badda, Khilkhet, Bashundhara and other areas on Wednesday and arrested the five, said OC Md Taimur Islam of DB at the KMP.
The KMP commissioner had earlier announced a bounty to arrest Azim, the OC said, adding that Azim stepped in crimes through a teen gang in 2017 in Khulna city.
The other arrested are accused of several cases, including extortion, ransom, human trafficking, arms, and robbery, the detective official said.