The Election Commission on Thursday said according to the latest updated voter list, the total number of voters in the country has risen to 123,683,512 as of January 2, 2025.
Speaking with the reporter at a press briefing at Agargoan EC building Election Commissioner (EC) Brig Gen (Rtd) Abul Fazal Md Sanaullah said, "The list now includes 63,330,103 male voters, 60,352,415 female voters, and 994 voters of the hijra community."
"Since March 2 of last year, 1,833,352 new voters have been added to the rolls, comprising 1,185,516 males and 647,774 females," he added.
A total of 1,833,352 voters were newly added to the list in 2024.
'We will start scrutinising the voter list going door-to-door from January 20. We hope that the process will be completed by June 30,' said Abul Fazal.
He urged people from all walks of life, including the political parties to express any opinion or objection regarding the new draft voter list within next 15 days.
Sanaullah said, "Those who turned 18 as of January 2, I urge all of them to submit application for the inclusion in the voter list."
After collecting the information through from door-to-door campaign, the EC will publish the draft voter list on January 2, 2026 and final list on March 2.
According to the law, the voter list is updated annually between January 2 and March 2. The EC publishes a draft of the updated voter list on January 2 based on information from the previous year. After resolving claims and objections regarding the list, the final version is published on March 2.