In a late-night operation on Wednesday, Jahangirnagar University's (JU) proctorial team detained nine students for allegedly consuming drugs near the Sundarban area on campus. The operation was carried out around 1:30 am as part of heightened surveillance measures.
According to the university administration, drugs were found in the possession of the students, and some admitted to drug use during questioning. The detainees include students from Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka University, and Uttara University.
The crackdown followed a notice issued by JU on Tuesday, requiring all students to return to their dormitories by 10 pm. The measure was introduced to maintain campus discipline and prevent untoward incidents, especially ahead of New Year's Eve. The administration also banned the entry of outsiders to the campus until Thursday.
JU Proctor Professor Rashidul Alam explained the steps taken to ensure security. "We installed CCTV cameras at key locations on campus and conducted surveillance to enforce the new guidelines. During our patrol, we discovered two groups of students consuming drugs near the Sundarban area," he said.
He added, "We have identified the individuals involved and collected written statements and evidence. A thorough review will be conducted, and disciplinary actions will be taken in accordance with university regulations."