Tensions have escalated between the Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) and Border Security Force (BSF) over the construction of a barbed wire fence at Chouka border in Chapainawabganj, though the situation has since been reported as calm.
According to sources from both the BGB and local witnesses, the issue began on Sunday morning when BSF personnel from the Sabdalpur BSF camp in India's Malda district initiated the construction of the fence along border pillars 177/1S, 2S, and 3S. The BGB intervened, leading to a flag meeting between the two sides in the afternoon, but no resolution was reached.
On Monday, when the BSF resumed construction of the fence, the BGB once again intervened, prompting the BSF to halt their efforts. This confrontation has led to heightened concerns among the local population.
Local Union Parishad member Kamal Uddin reported that the BSF was erecting the fence along the zero line at approximately 10:00 am when the BGB stepped in, adding to the tension in the area.
Lieutenant Colonel Golam Kibria, the commander of the 59th BGB battalion, confirmed that the BSF had begun digging for the fence but ceased work after the BGB’s intervention. He assured that the situation is under control and additional BGB forces have been deployed to ensure security.
Kibria emphasized that there is no reason for the public to be alarmed as the situation has returned to calm.