Pranay Verma, the Indian High Commissioner to Bangladesh, has reiterated New Delhi's commitment to maintain a crime-free border and effectively address challenges related to smuggling, criminal movements, and trafficking along border.
"We have an understanding regarding fencing the border for security purposes, and the two border forces, BSF and BGB, have been in regular communication," Pranay told reporters after meeting with Bangladesh Foreign Secretary Jashim Uddin at the Foreign Ministry on Sunday.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned Pranay Verma in response to escalating tensions surrounding the ongoing fencing along the India-Bangladesh border.
Pranay Verma hopes that the understandings that the two border forces will be implemented in a cooperative approach in combating the crimes along the border.
Referring to an understanding in regards to fencing the border, the High Commissioner said the two border forces- BSF and BGB - have been in communication.
He also talked about addressing the challenges of smuggling.
"We expect that this understanding will be implemented and there will be a cooperative approach to combat crimes along the border," Pranay added.