The Hindu community will celebrate Poush Sankranti on Tuesday, a festival marked by traditional delicacies, including a variety of rice cakes and sumptuous meals. A key element of the celebration involves purchasing large fish, which has led to bustling fish fairs in various markets across the Kamalganj upazila in Moulvibazar district.
On Monday, massive fish fairs were held in Bhanu Gach, Sreemangal, Shamsernagar, Adampur, and Munshibazar, drawing both vendors and buyers. Vendors displayed an impressive array of large fish, including species like boal, chital, rui, katla, and bagh. The fish on display ranged in weight from 5 kg to an astonishing 30-35 kg, with some rare varieties catching the attention of eager buyers.
During visits to Bhanu Gach and Munshibazar, it was evident that the markets were stocked with enormous fish, though prices remained steep. Vendors, aware of the demand, set high initial prices, often engaging in bargaining with customers.
One vendor at Munshibazar, Bacchu Mia, showcased a 20-kg katla fish priced at Tk 36,000. Despite offers ranging from Tk 20,000 to 25,000, he declined to sell. Another vendor, Masuk Mia, listed a 25-kg boal fish for Tk 75,000 , but even after a customer offered 45,000, he chose not to finalize the sale.
Customers at the fair expressed frustration over the high prices but acknowledged that negotiations often brought prices to a reasonable level.
"Large fish like these are rarely found in regular markets," said Abdul Jalil Mia, a wholesale fish trader. "To meet the demand for Poush Sankranti, we bring these big fish from haors, baors, wetlands, and major rivers across the country."
The fish fair, which began on Sunday night, is expected to continue until Tuesday, providing ample opportunity for both vendors and buyers to engage in the traditional excitement of Poush Sankranti.