Amid criticism and protest by the students, the government on Monday cancelled the appointments of six newly recruited members of the Bangladesh Public Service Commission (PSC). The Ministry of Public Administration issued a circular on Monday cancelling the appointments1.
The persons whose appointments were cancelled are: Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University's Professor of Agricultural Botany Dr Shahnaz Sarker, retired Additional Inspector General of Police Md Munir Hossain, retired Brigadier General AF Jaglul Ahmed, former Director General of BIAM Foundation Md Mizanur Rahman, former Secretary (Western and ICT) Sabbir Ahmed Chowdhury, and former Director of the National Institute of Kidney Diseases and Urology (NIKDU) Professor Dr Syeda Shahina Subhan.
Earlier, on January 2, these six individuals were appointed to the BPSC as its members.
However, their appointments sparked criticism due to allegations of close ties with the Awami League
The swearing-in ceremony for these new members was scheduled for Thursday, but it was postponed on Wednesday following an order from the Supreme Court.
The BPSC had sent a letter to the Supreme Court's Registrar General's Office on Wednesday requesting the suspension of the swearing-in.
Subsequently, in response to the BPSC's appeal, the Supreme Court suspended the swearing-in of the new members.
Immediately after the appointments, a section of students started protesting against the decision, demanding cancellation of their appointments.